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Regina's POV

I wake up feeling wet. Not the sexual kind. Oh my god. My water broke. Tears fill my eyes. I reach for Emma in our bed and I realize she's not here. She's on the couch. I stand up and take a deep breath.

"Emma! Emma!" I cry out. Oh god I am going into labor. The bedroom door opens and she runs to my side.

"It's time?"

"It's time." I repeat nervously.

"Okay I'll get the babies in the car and then get you okay?" I nod and she kisses my forehead before running out. There's a overnight bag already by the door. All of us have clothes we need to call my parents and Emma's. About three minutes later Emma comes back.

"You okay baby?"

"Yeah I'm okay. Just some pain." She nods and picks me up bridal style. I rest my head on her shoulder. She goes down the stairs and gets me outside and into the car. I don't even know what time it is. She gets into the car and starts it up.

"You okay?"

"I think so." She nods and leans over kissing me. I'm surprised by that. We haven't kissed like that in such a long time.

"I love you." She whispers.

"I love you too." I say and she smiles. I'm pretty sure with the way she was speeding that we would all get arrested. The car literally skirts and she gets out running inside. How our kids are still asleep I don't know. I see nurses come running out and I get out the car. They put me onto the stretcher and I go into a private room. They start hooking me up to the monitors. I sit up in the hospital bed.

"You're not yet dilated but you have to be ten centimeters to start pushing. Are you going to have an epidural?" The dark skinned nurse asks me. Emma comes in with the kids and our suitcase and she sets them down in the chairs one by one. All sleeping. They are sleeping still. How? She comes to my side.

"No epidural." I say.

"Baby you want to do this all natural."

"With Hayden and Hope I didn't like how the epidural made me feel." She nods and holds my hand tight.

"Sit tight." She walks out and Emma sits on the bed.

"Our parents are on the way along with your sister."

"Okay." I say and I lean back. I'm in pain. A lot of pain.

After a few hours they come back and i'm 3 centimeters dilated. They tell me to sit on the yoga ball and walk around and move around it's supposed to help. I walk for a little before sitting down on the yoga ball. I lean my arms on the bed in pain. I feel a hand on my back. I look up to see Emma. She gives me a smile. Everyone walks in and I lean into Emma's side. She holds my hand and rub my back with the other hand.

"Hey!" We see them and I give a small smile. They stand around chatting and asking questions.

"How do you feel?" My mom asks.

"Like I'm going into labor."

"Pain?" Emma's mom asks.

"Yeah." I say nodding.

"Discomfort." Zelena asks.

"Hell yeah."

"You okay baby?" I look at her and shake my head. She kisses my head. I lean my head down on the hospital bed again and I breath in and out.

"Hey. Oh looks like the families are here." The nurse Kesha says.

"Yeah." I say and I breathe out again.

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