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Regina's POV

Emma is going to a party and I'm staying home with the kids. No wonder we fight. She does this. She walk out the closet dressed. Blue jeans, white tank top, red leather jacket and brown boots. There's a knock on the door and I get up to get it. I walk down the stairs which is getting harder and harder being this pregnant. I open the door to see three skinny little bitches. I give a fake smile.

"You must be Emma's wife?"

"This is she."

"She says you were pregnant and just about to pop." A blonde one says.

"Yeah. I am." I say giving a fake smile. I let them in and they sit in my living room. Emma comes downstairs hugging them one by one. Mhm. That is something. Isn't is?

"I'll be back later baby."

"Mhm." I say and she walks out with those girls. I'm burning with jealousy.

"Have a good time." I say.

"We will." Emma opens the door for the bitches to get into her car and she drives off. I clench my fists together in anger. I close my eyes. Emma would never cheat on me. She loves me. To the moon and back.

I wake up in bed alone. I sigh annoyed and I rub my tummy. I really hope everything between us is fine when this baby is born. He or she will have to have both their parents. I get the kids up.

"Mommy where's dada?" Hayden asks.

"At a friends house."

"Dada never here." He mumbles and I sigh. I quickly make breakfast. Helping the two youngest. I eat and the clean up. I shower them all and dress them before getting myself ready. Bending down to bathe them is so hard. I put on some leggings and a white long sleeve shirt. I curl my hair and put on sandals. My feet are swollen. I'm on bed rest and I'm not supposed to be moving since I'm so close to giving birth but someone has to take the kids to daycare. And since Emma isn't here I normally do it. I get them into the car which is very hard while pregnant let me add. And driving is a whole task in itself. I sigh and drive back home after dropping the kids off. I pull up to the house to see Emma and those girls. She takes her red leather jacket off the skinny blonde and then the blonde kisses her cheek. Her other friends hug Emma and walk away. I get out of my car.

"Hi Regina."

"Hello ladies." They get into an uber and I walk past Emma. She sighs closing the door.

"What did I do now Regina?"

"Are you cheating on me?" I ask turning around with fear in my eyes.


"Are you cheating on me? Just tell me the truth."

"Why would you even ask me that? Of course not."

"She was wearing your jacket." I say.

"She was cold."

"Maybe she should've put on some more clothes."

"Are you calling her a slut?"

"You're married and she's flirting with you."

"She's not flirting Regina. You're delusional."

"She kissed your cheek. And I know damn well if any guy did that to me and gave me his jacket you wouldn't be as calm as I am right now. You would be screaming my head off."

"Sorry damn."

"Where were you?"

"Her house. Got drunk and didn't want to come here for you to yell at me because I was drunk."

"You know what our eldest son asked me today?"


"Where's dada. She's never here."

"I'm right here. You keep saying like I'm miles away."

"You keep saying that but even our kids see it. It feels like you're miles away."


"You're not sorry."

"I am."

"You're not. No need to lie. If you don't want to be here I'm sure whatever her name is could scoot over in bed and let you sleep with her for free too."

"Enough Regina."

"I shouldn't even be up. I shouldn't be walking or moving this much. I should be on bed rest. But here I am. Nine months pregnant and I'm driving. I'm up cooking and standing and walking around. And taking care of our kids."


"You'd be sorry if I lost this child because you want to get drunk! Because you want to act like a child! Like some idiotic teenage while nothing to worry about."

"Regina I'm in college let me have some fun. Let me live my life."

"I never said you couldn't have fun or live Emma."

"You sure as hell act like it. You get an attitude anytime I want to do something for me."

"How? Because I don't see it."

"Of course you don't see it. 'Come home. I miss you. Come home our kids need you. Come home. Come home. After work come home. After school come home.' I'm just so damn tired of being miserable. I just want to have fun."

"Then why marry me? Why? Why settle down so young? You knew I had three kids and you stayed. Knew I was pregnant and stayed. You could've left at any given moment. If you want to go out and have fun I'm sure you will but that comes at a cost."


"Me. And our babies."


"Leave if you want. If it's too much Emma just go. You're not having fun. I must not be much fun anymore because I don't put out."

"It's not even about the sex! We don't even laugh anymore. Just fight and argue."

"Who's fault is that?"

"Don't blame it all on me." Emma says.

"I didn't."

"I'm not the pregnant, hormonal one."

"Real mature Emma."

"I'll pick the kids up. Go to bed." She says.

"Thank you."

"Do I even have a choice?" She asks rolling her eyes.

"You know what Emma I'm done trying to keep this relationship together. If you don't want to be with me. Leave me god damnit. If you are so miserable being married to me then divorce me. I'm just trying to work it out. If you want live your days out drinking and partying and having fun then leave me. No one is making you stay. I sure as hell can take care of four kids on my own. I already am."

"I might just take you up on that offer." She walks away and I take in a deep breath. Stress isn't good. Stress isn't good. Breathe. I tell myself.

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