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This is a short chapter! Sorry loves!

Regina's POV

"What was that about?" I see our family in the kitchen. I sigh and then I hear Emma behind me. I walk away and I grab a water.

"Can we do this another night?" Emma asks and I see the tears in her eyes and it hurts but I can't care about her more than I care about me.

"What's going on? You two were just screaming each other's heads off." My mother says.

"Nothing mother. Please." I say my voice cracking and I look down.

"You two are breaking up?" I look at my ring and I shake my head putting my head down on the island crying.

"Regina." Daddy says and I shake my head.

"Regina." I hear Emma says and I sit up wiping my eyes but I only cry more. She moves over to me and I step back shaking my head.

"Come on." She says and I cry harder.

"Yeah we are." I say through tears.

"All we heard was screaming and crying." Mary says.

"Can you two split the kids for a little. I just.... I need some time." I say and they nod.

"Of course Regina." David says.

"I'm gonna. go pack my bag." Emma says and I turn around so she doesn't she how hurt I am. I close my eyes and she walks away.

"This is really happening?" Daddy asks.

"Daddy I'm done fighting with her. We were good for a little but we don't work out. We can't do this. We can't be together daddy."

"Relationships are hard." He says.

"Really? I know!" I say sadly.

"But we can't keep this going." My voice breaks and I look down biting my lip.

"I forgive her over and over. But I don't what to do. She doesn't want me. I can't make her stay. She wants to go off and be with someone else then fine. But I can't keep fighting. It's draining. And I want to be happy. This isn't happy." I say.

"Work it out." Mary says.

"I'm done. I'm so so done trying to work this thing out."

"Okay." My mother says. We sit in silence for I don't know how long but Emma comes in. Holding two bags.

"Is that everything?" I ask.



"Regina go say bye." Mary says and I sigh. They follow me to the door and I open it letting her walk out. She stops turning around and then looks down at me.

"I love you." She whispers and I know she does.

"I love you too Emmy." I say sadly.

"But if you love. Let me go." I whisper and she nods. She kisses me head and I cover my mouth closing the door. I hear her car drive off and I slide down pulling my knees to my chest and hugging myself. Just because I made her go doesn't mean it doesn't hurt me too.

Emma's POV

I get to the motel and I pay for a month to stay as of right now. I know I'll probably be here longer but I don't know how long. She's not taking me back. Not that easily again. I deserve it. I know I do. I've been not the best. Scratch that. I've been terrible. But this fighting can't go on. Maybe we were only meant to be together for a little while. Bring some kids to this world and then split? Maybe that's all we were meant for. I put on some black pants and I head out to some bar. I sit down and oder six shots.

"That's quite a lot of shots there bud." Some guys says sitting with some girl. He has his arm around her like he owns her and I nod.

"Well it's one of those nights."

"Wanna spill."

"Not drunk enough." I say downing all the shots.

"Just keep em' coming." I say. I want to drink until I can't feel anything anymore.

"We are looking for a threesome today." The girl says.

"Still not drunk enough."

"Oh come on. You're sexy. And single right?" I lift up my hand and after a few more shots I finally feel a little lighter. I lean back closing my eyes. I lean both my arms on the back of the chair.

"Mhm she's cute." I open my eyes to see two blondes next to me. Blondes aren't even my type.

"I'm not one for blondes." I say numbly and then move closer cuddling into my sides. I don't even care at this point. They both begin teasing me. Running their hands up my thighs and and kissing my neck.

"I have a dick." I say to the guy who's across from me.

"I don't care." He says smirking.

"What's your story? Why are you here?" The girl asks.

"My wife and I are breaking up or something I don't really know."

"Do you need a few more drinks."

"Just so I don't remember tonight." He nods and gets the bartender over. I nod and close my eyes as the two blondes keep messing with me.

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