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Regina's POV

After our sexy night and Emma finally taking me from behind. She didn't want to hurt me. And it hurt because I'm tight but it felt so good to be fucked again. I'm a little sore but that's a lot from just having my vagina split open. I smell food and I hear giggle. I get up and put on some leggings. I keep Emma's hoodie on. I run my fingers through my messy hair trying to tame it and I walk out my room. The giggle get louder as I walk down the steps. The kids are watching some cartoon and I go into the kitchen. I see Emma cooking at the stove.

"Morning baby."

"Morning papí."

"I hate you." She says turning around.

"You love me and I would gladly do what I did last night again."

"Mhm baby." Emma says and I smirk.

"God please fuck me again."

"The kids-" Emma says.

"Are so engrossed in that cartoon show. Please papí. Fuck me please." I beg and she flips me around pressing my front to the counter. She clicks the stove off and pulls me leggings down. I feel her enter me and I moan.

"Em." I moan and she groans. She pushes me down and I hold the counter. She thrusts start off slow but soon get quicker and harder. I moan and bite my lip.

"Fuck Regina." Emma whispers kissing up my back.

"Yes Em. Oh! Right there!" I scream and she keep fucking me like a dog from behind. And I fucking love it.

"Auhhh!" I moan and she the hands turns white from how hard I'm holding the counter.

"Oh yes baby." Emma says. She grabs my neck and I spread my legs further which make her go even deeper. My head falls back and she kiss my neck. She bites down and I scream. God the kids.

"Baby shh."

"I'm so close papí. Fuck me harder." I pant and you can hear our skin clapping. Emma smacks my ass and I moan. She does it again and I close my eyes tightly moaning.


"God you're so perfect." She slips out and then pushes all the way in and we both cum. I fall against the counter and Emma falls against my back. She slips out my ass and I open my eyes.

"Wow.... that..... you're... amazing..." I say between panting.

"That's...... all you baby."


"You weren't wearing underwear?" Emma asks and I can hear the smirk in her voice.



"Only for you." I turn around and she pulls my leggings up. I grab her by her neck and she lifts me onto the counter kissing me.

"I'll never look at this kitchen the same." Emma says and I blush biting my lip.

"You're so damn cute." I giggle and wrap my arms around her neck hugging her.

"I wonder if I can finger myself." I say tilting my head to the side.

"Baby." Emma says.

"You're scared you're going to hurt me. And of course it won't be the same as your cock but it's something. And I love this. I love our sex but I need more. I just need so much more Em."

"I wish I could give you more."

"You definitely can but our doctors wouldn't like it too much if we were to actually have sex."

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