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Emma's POV

"So what do you work as Regina?" Jessica asks.

"I work in a law firm."

"Wow so you're a lawyer?" Kee asks and Regina nods smiling.

"Is she always so cute?" Terianna asks.

"Yep. Unless she's being a brat." She smacks my leg and I pull her closer smiling.

"I'm not a brat. You're an asshole." She says and I laugh.

"No funny Em." I kiss her cheek hard and she blushes red.

"You two are so cute." John says.

"Thank you." Regina says kindly smiling at him.

"So why are you two here? Emma told us you both moved here."

"Yes we lived in Maine." Regina says sipping her tea.

"Why Boston?"

"For me it was college. I wanted to come here."

"Why did you move Regina?"

"Mostly for Emma. She got accepted here and so I moved too. I was not going to stay in Maine raising these kids on my own and breaking up wasn't ever an option because we both didn't want that and I could always find another school to work at but I chose to change careers."

"That's so sweet of you." Jessica says to my beautiful wife. Gosh I never get sick of calling her my wife. She's my beautiful wife. Yes she is.

"Oh no. It's really not that big of a deal." She says shaking her head.

"Don't you miss Maine?" Kee asks.

"Of course. Both our family is there and we miss them of course. Our friends. Colleges. We miss it but we were ready to start a new chapter in our lives. Together." I say smiling.

"So you do you plan on trying for baby number six?" Terianna asks.

"Oh I don't know." Regina says looking at me.

"I would love another baby. But we should wait until they are at least getting into school." I say smiling.

"I'm not getting any younger Emma." She says.

"Shut up. You're gorgeous." She shakes her head.

"She is Emma. She looks like she could be in our class." Terianna says and we all laugh.

"Can I get you anything else to drink?" The waiter asks.

"No thank you." I say.

"I'm fine thank you." Regina says and no one gets anything else to drink.

We walk outside and I hold Regina's hand as we wait for our car to pull up. Everyone else is getting taxis home.

"Hey baby." I say wrapping my arms around her.


"I love you." I whisper in her ear.

"I love you too Emma."

"Hey Em come over here." I walk towards my friends leaving Regina.

Regina's POV

"Hey cutie." I turn to see some tall white dude.

"Excuse me?" I say confused.

"You're hella fine."

"I'm married, sorry." I say annoyed.

"He doesn't have to know."

"Yes she does. And I'm not a cheater. Please leave me alone." He steps closer.

"Go away seriously. I'm married to a woman. I don't even like men. Please I'm not in the mood for this."

"I can make you straight again baby."

"Please don't call me baby." I say crossing my arms.

"Why?" I turn around looking for Emma and I don't see her. Where did she go? Where's Emma! He takes another step closer.

"Please just go away."

"You know you want me." He says grabbing my waist.

"Get your hands off me!" I spit pushing them away and I look around hoping someone is outside to whiteness this and stop it.

"Hey baby..." The words die in Emma's mouth and I know how this looks.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know. She started hitting on me and she says she married but she would love a real dick instead of a strap on." He says smirking and Emma smirks and grabs my wrist pulling me to her.

"You're lying." She says.

"How?" He asks.

"She wants me. I was just waiting for my uber."

"I have a dick. Why would she want yours?" She wraps her arm around me walking away and I move closer looking back.

"Thank you. I didn't what was going to happen. He was getting too close and you weren't there."

"Sorry. Tim needed some car help."

"It's okay. I just want to go home."

"It's okay baby." I nod and she opens the car door for me letting me in. I smile and kiss her cheek.

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