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Regina's POV

"We can't keep doing this Emma." I say panting still from that amazing orgasm she just gave me.

"So we'll stop."

"We both know we can't now!" I say sitting up. She grabs me so I straddle her. I look down at her chest and I close my eyes. She rolls over pushing inside me and I moan loudly arching off the bed. She fucks me roughly and I can't take it anymore before I cum ten seconds in and she does too.


"I don't want to stop Regina. And we can't really stop now. We are in too deep. We're in love. And now sleeping together. Regina there's no way we could stop."

"I'm still hurt from everything you've done." I say and she nods.

"I know and I understand. I get it Regina. But I'm saying that I can't just be done with you like you want me to."

"Because you love me?"

"That's the exact reason." She says and I sigh.

"This is so bad. I'm cheating on Stefan. He doesn't deserve this."

"No he doesn't and neither does Caroline but here we are."

"What do we do from here?"

"I have an idea." She says kissing down my body to where I want her.

Emma's POV

Our parents are having some barbecue and they invited both Regina and I. We've been sleeping together for two months now. It's crazy. Caroline almost walked in on us. Luckily I faked being sick to avoid it. Stefan called mid orgasm. And we've been so close to getting caught. But it's fun and different to be on the edge and I know Regina loves it since she's always so uptight and bitchy. I put on jeans shorts with a black and white stripped polo shirt. Black sneakers. My hair is pulled back out my face. I brush my teeth and then I head out. I grab my keys and drive to my parents house. When I get there I see Regina's car. I'm late but when I am I not. I walk in closing the door and I head the the back yard.

"Dada!" My kids run to me hugging me and I smile. I pick up Henry and give them all kisses.

"Where's your other siblings?" They point to where Regina is standing with the kids. She looks at me and then looks away. I walk over there with my hands in my pants awkwardly.

"So...." I say.

"Your punctuality was never one of your strong suits Miss Swan." She says and I pick up Ava.

"Daaaaaa." I smile in shock and kiss her happily. My little girl.

"That so counts as her first word." I say to Regina who just shakes her head annoyed. What did I do now?

"How have you been?"

"Fine Emma. You?"

"I miss you."

"Good to know." She hands me Noah and walks away. I sigh and close my eyes.

All day and night I've been trying to speak to this woman. She hates me so much and I don't know why. We've been sleeping together but we've been fine recently. At least I think. She hates me again! And this time I don't know what the hell I did.

"How are you guys?" I ask my kids.

"Miss you dada." Hope says and I kiss her softly.

"I miss you guys too. I miss you a lot." I say and Regina scoffs shaking her head. She's so damn annoying right now. Even if she looks gorgeous in that sundress.

"Why not here daddy?" Hayden asks and it breaks my heart.

"You know how when you hurt Hope and she gets mad?" I ask Hayden.

"Yeah she don't like me when I do that."

"I hurt mommy and she's not happy about it."

"What if you say sorry?" Hope asks.

"And mommy forgive?" Hope says and it makes me smile sadly.

"I missed up badly babies. Sometimes you hurt someone so many times that they can't forgive you anymore."

"What if you really sorry?" I laugh.

"I can't fix this babies. It hurts too much."

"Why hurt mommy?" Hayden asks.

"That's a good question baby. But I don't know how to answer that one. Why hurt to one person you love most in this world? Why I don't know. I messed up. And I hate how I hurt you and mommy. I hate how easily it is for me to hurt mommy. How I could.... I'm sorry. Dada was being stupid. And I'm sorry. I didn't think. And I'm sorry. It's all my fault. And I'm sorry...." I say sadly feeling my emotions take over.

"You not coming home?" Hope asks and I pull her close.

"No baby. Not now." She nods and I kiss her head.

"Come here both of you." I kiss Hayden and Henry.

"You should be sorry." Regina says walking away. I shake my head and walk over to our parents. Regina talks with her family and mine. It's a nice little gathering. I hate how badly I hurt her. I really really fucked up.

"How are you two handling this?" Cora asks.

"Just great. She's been so amazing. We don't talk! I barely see the kids. I fucking hate this." I look over Regina and I guess she feels me staring because she looks over and give me the dirtiest look. I hand over the kids and I walk over to Regina.

"Sorry Aunt Sally can you excuse us?" She nods and I pull her away. She looks around snatching her arm from my grip.

"What the hell do you want Emma?!" Her voice sounding way harsher than I was hoping it would be.

"Come on Regina!"

"What?" Tears fill her eyes and I look at her in shock. She bites her lip trying to not let them fall.

"We were perfectly fine just a week ago Regina." I whisper.

"No we weren't! We shouldn't have started sleeping together. This was all one huge mistake. I knew it was a terrible idea."

"Why? Why now all of a sudden?" I ask confused.

"I'm pregnant Emma." She cries and runs off. Behind my parents house is a beach and she runs off. I sigh. She obviously needs some alone time. It's getting darker and people are leaving. I sigh and walk to the beach.

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