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Regina's POV

Emma and I have three nights off without the kids. Emma's mom and dad wanted to watch them for the weekend to give us some time off. Emma gets home from work at 9:15 and she wants to go to the club. We are staying in a hotel without the kids. She wants to go to the club. I'm still breast feeding so no drinking for me and Emma's underage but I don't mind being out and having fun for a night without alcohol. I am getting dressed right now. Emma's getting home soon from work. Her parents are already here with the kids. I put on a black tight wrap dress. With black and silver heels. I curl my hair and not a lot of makeup because I feel beautiful. No lip cause Emma will hate that. It's cute how she can't stop kissing me. That whore Teresa hasn't bothered Emma so that's great. I hate that little girl. She's so annoying. The door opens and I turn seeing Emma fall onto the bed. I walk into our room from the bathroom and straddle her hips. She sets her hands on my thighs still not looking at me. Her face turns to confusion and she finally looks at me.

"Damn." I blush.

"What?" I ask.

"Baby you're beautiful with or without clothes on but something about you being all dressed up is so beautiful too."


"I'm so lucky."

"Shut up you're beautiful too. So beautiful Emma. Everything about you is just stunning."

"Thank you baby." I smile and lean down kissing her. She grabs my bum in her hands and I moan into her mouth.

"Em." I moan and she rolls me over onto my back lifting my leg to her hip as she pulls me closer and I smile.

"You're such a good kisser." I say and she smirks pecking my lips.

"I have to shower and change real quick."

"I'll be waiting." She kisses me one last time and then gets off me. I sit and fix my hair and dress. I spray on some perfume and then I go on my laptop answer emails for work. I hear the door open to the bathroom after a few minutes and I look up. My mouth falls open in shock. Emma's wearing black dress pants with a red and black short sleeve button up and black dress shoes.

"Wow Emma."

"You like?"

"Do I like? Emma I love." I say standing and I wrap my arms around her neck.

"I'm glad we match too." She laughs and holding my hips.

"Me too baby." She kisses me sweetly and I smile. I'm so happy. And I haven't felt this happy in such a long time.

"Alright baby. You ready for three days kid free?"

"I'm going to miss our babies." I say quietly.

"Trust me, same. I know I'm going to really miss them but I'm happy we get a few nights without screaming and crying and dirty diapers and spit up everywhere."

"So true." I say and she kisses me before she puts money into her pocket. We go downstairs where the kids are with their grandparents.

"We will see you guys in a few days." I say. Emma kissing their heads and I kiss their heads too.

"Alright ready?"

"Let's go." We hold hands walking out and Emma opens the car door for me like the gentlewoman she is.

"Thank you."

"Of course baby." She nods and we head to a local club.

"Ready for our first night out in god knows how long?"

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