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Emma's POV

My phone dings and it's my girlfriend. I smile picking it up to FaceTime. She's always does this.

"Hi Emma!" She says smiling widely.

"You're up and cheerful." I say smiling.

"I'm excited to see you today!"

"Oh I'm excited to see you too." She a bit more chipper than I normally like but it's okay. It's been six months. It's time to move on. I'm sure she has.

"The beach sounds like so much fun."

"I know. I can't remember the last time I went."

"Can I come over now? I miss you."

"Caroline it's only been two days."

"Too many." I smile.

"Sure of course."

"Okay I'll see you in twenty." I nod and hang up. I get up to get make some breakfast. I'm in a one bed apartment now. I moved a few weeks ago. Got tired of doing the motel stuff. So a small apartment is just fine. I've only been with Caroline three months. It's been nice having someone who cares again. She's really cute too. There's a knock on my door and she has a spare so I don't know why she's knocking. She comes in and wraps her arms around me from behind. I smile and she puts her head on my back. I smile and turn the stove off since I'm done. I turn seeing the blonde headed beauty. She's too cute. I kiss her softly and she grabs my face.

"You cooked?"

"Yeah come on." I stay grabbing plates and pulling her to the couch. She sits and I set the plates down. She grabs my remote turning the TV on and I smile at her. She has on blue jean shorts with a pink and purple flower colored shirt and her hair is curled and down. I smile and kiss her head before setting our cups of coffee down. She moves over to me leaning into my side and I kiss her head again. We watch some show. I don't really know but she's cuddling to me and it's really cute.

"Should we shower and get ready?" She asks and I nod. She sets out plates in the sink cleaning them and I pick her up pulling her into the shower with me. She laughs and I strip her of her clothes before we have some shower sex. We get out and she wobbles a little. I smirk and then she puts on a two piece pink bathing suit. I put on some black swim trunks and a sports bra.

"Oh god your abs are so sexy." She says and I smirk.

"Come on. Let's go." I say grab her. She get the beach bag and cooler. We head to the beach. I smile and wrap my arms around her as we walk finding a nice shady spot. We pay the towels down and the cuddle up. She puts on some shades looks hot as fuck. I smirk and push her down kissing her hard.

Regina's POV

"Hey babe. You ready?" I get my bag and put my coverup on. He wants to go to the beach with my family ad Damon and Elena. So I still keep in contact with Emma's parents. They are coming along with mine and my five kids. I have on a simple black one piece. And no I haven't slept with Stefan. He doesn't care about that and I'm not ready. Emma's been the only person I've had in over 4 years. So I just can't give it up so easily like my
body means nothing.

"I'm ready let's go." He grabs my hand and we get into the car and he drives to the beach. I meet our family at the beach. They are already laying down in the shade. I give all my babies kisses. Ava and Noah are covered because the sand is blowing and tucked to Mary and my mother. Who won't lets them go.

"Come on let's get in." The kids go running and Stefan takes his shirt off running in. Damon gets here and jumps in with the kids. I look over at Elena who's walking with me. I turn back looking at the two sets of parents who eye me and I shake my head. The only woman I ever was attracted to was Emma and that's it. I like Stefan a lot anyway. And she's with Damon why is she looking at me like that.

"So..." She says.


"I know this is awkward." She says and I nod laughing. I cross my arms and watch my kids play with the two brothers.

"You know you're a nice piece of ass right?" I look over at her confused.

"You're with Damon."

"That I am. But it doesn't mean I can't look. I just can't touch." She says stepping closer.

"That's enough." I say and I'm so glad I still have my coverup on.

Emma's POV

I'm walking on the beach with Caroline when I hear something. Something I haven't heard in a while.

"Dada?" I turn around seeing Hayden.

"Hi honey." He rubs hugging my legs. I kiss his head.

"Oh your son?"

"Where's your siblings?" I ask.

"Hope!" She run over hugging me and I kiss her head.

"Who's this?"

"This is Dada's girlfriend. Caroline. Say hi." They wave and she smiles grabbing my hand. I squeeze it softly.

"Hayden! Hope! You never run away again like that okay?" I see Regina bend down so she's face to face with them.

"I'm so sorry to bother yo- Emma?" She says looking up at me and my whole world stops.


"Babe. Oh good you found them?" Some guys says putting his hands on her hips.

"Yeah. This is Emma." She says and he looks at me in shock.

"This is Regina? As in your ex-wife Regina?" Caroline whispers to me and I nod.

"Hi I'm Caroline." She says putting her hand out and this guy shakes her hand.

"Stefan nice to meet you."

"Mommy?" She looks down at her kids.

"Can we play with Dada?" Hayden asks.

"Give is a second." She grabs my wrist pulling me away. I groan knowing what's coming. Help me please!

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