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Regina's POV

I get up and the bed is empty. I sigh and I walk to our babies room. The kids are at "school" already. They think they are grown. It's so cute. I smile and I pick up both the real babies from their cribs and I go downstairs into the living room. I put a blanket down on the ground and two little pillows so they could sit up. I tickle their little tummies.

"Will me and dada ever stop fighting?" I say sadly.

"gahah." Noah says pulling my fingers and I kiss his little toes.

"Hi baby boy."

"Ahhgaaabaaa." Ava screams and I kiss her toes.

"Hi baby girl."

"I love you both so much. I love all my kids. I just wish. I could understand why Emma wants one now. When we have five beautiful babies. Maybe it's not good enough. Am I enough for Emma?"

"You two don't even know what I'm saying."

"Thanks for listening anyway." I sit then both up pulling them to my chest and I hug them. I pull my knees up and hug them. I just hold them close. When does it start easier? When?

Emma's POV

I get to school and there's football tryouts. I want to try out. I smile and go into the boys changing room. I change into gym shorts and a black sleeveless shirt.

"You're trying out?" Some guy asks.

"Don't think girl can do it?"


"Really lets see." I say walking out. The cheerleaders are cheering and I smirk. I can't do this. I love my wife. But God I've never wanted to cheat so bad in my life. I don't want to hurt her. I love her. But being in school again with girls who are cute and hot and nice to me. I want to be the player I once was again. Would Regina be open to a little break? So I could mess around? Probably not if I tell her I want to fuck other girls. I just miss being reckless and having fun. She's so uptight and it's getting to me. It really is. I make sure my shoe are tied. We do some quick laps. Pushups. Mountain climbers and then more laps. The cheerleaders look over at me and I smirk. They start giggling cutely. I smile and wink at them. I bite my lip and walk up to the coach where the rest of them are.

"How about we run some plays. Who's going for captain." I raise my hand.

"You?" He asks and I nod.

"Alright. Lines get up. You know what your running." He hands me the ball and I grip it. I smirk and tell my team what we are doing.

"Break!" I look over at the cheerleaders again in their small outfits. Leaving to tease the eye. Small waist. Not that big of an ass that I would like but hey. It wouldn't hurt to try something new right? Nice boobs. Not as big and full as my wife's but it will do. I smirk. Maybe I'll get it free practice.

"Set! Hike!" I run back and throw it down the field. He catches and scores.

"Another one." The coach says. I get my two running backs. Fake and throw to the touch down zone.

"Another one!" Coach Johnson says and I nod.

"Let's go!" I smirk and the cheerleaders start cheering for me which makes me smile. I lick my lips eying a small brunette. She looks shy but she's cute. I smile at her and she looks away trying to remember the cheer.

"Hike." I say and there's a opening I take and I run into the end zone.

After practice I shower and head out when I see the cheerleaders leaving. All but one. I smirk and walk into the girls locker room. The door closes and I see her changing. I set up behind her and flip her tiny ass around and I push her against the lockers. She looks up with big green eyes in shock.

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