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Sad to say this book is coming to an end real soon. I hope you like the ending. I already wrote it but I will definitely make you want more. 😂❤️

Regina's POV

I smile to myself. Gosh when I ever smiled like this. I haven't in six months. I open my door and my smile fades a little seeing. Elena, Damon and Stefan.

"Hey come in." I move and they walk in.

"Woah why so many flowers?" Elena asks.

"Oh um Emma did this." I say looming at all the flowers.

"That's weird. Are you two friends now?" Elena asks.

"No. She's just trying to be nice."

"This goes above and beyond nice." Elena says and Damon nods.

"Anyone want some chocolate? She also sent a lot and I can't have my kids eating it all."

"I'll take some." Elena says smirking and following me into the kitchen. I open the fridge getting a heart shaped container and when I turn around Elena is right there in my face. I smile awkwardly.


"I didn't come for chocolate."


"You make me question everything." She says eyeing me.

"So sexy."

"So beautiful."

"So perfect."

"So sweet."

"Elena I'm with Stefan and you're with Damon."

"And yet here I am. Wanting you more than ever." She steps closer and I step back. I hit the counter and I look back in shock.

"Elena you're confused."

"No I want you." She leans in kissing me and I push back against her shoulders.

"Elena stop." She tries to kiss down my neck and I quickly move out the way.

"Elena stop."

"They don't have to know." She whispers.

"I don't care if they don't have know. I don't want to." I quickly move out the way.

"Come on Regina."

"Don't come on me. I'm with Stefan and I like him." I walk out and I give him a fake smile leaning into his side.

Emma's POV

I smile to myself. I have my next surprise for Regina. She knows I'm not a great cook but I didn't cook once and Regina loved it. It's been a week since my last surprise which was the flowers and chocolates. She said she's still eating them and the flowers are taking up too much room. I grab my phone calling her and she answer the call. I try to facetime and she answers.

"Hey." I say smiling.

"Hi." She says.

"What's wrong Regina?" I ask concern filling my face.


"Come on. You can talk to me."

"Stefan has a brother named Damon and he's girlfriend is Elena. She's been hitting on me. She cornered me today in my kitchen and kissed me. She's crazy. But how do I tell Damon and Stefan?"

"Wow. Do you like her?" I ask not trying to sound jealous at all.

"Of course not! I'm with Stefan and I've never been attracted to women. Not even when I was with you. I just liked you. I've never found any other women attractive other than you. I still don't."

"If you tell him they might say you're crazy how long have Damon and Elena been together?"

"Two years."

"And that's bad."

"I know. Even Stefan said he sees her looking at me weird. Damon thinks I'm trying to turn his girlfriend."

"You?" I ask and she laughs.

"I know right?" She smiles.

"Why did you call? I'm sorry I totally just took over with my problems."

"I don't mind."

"Even if it's about Stefan?"

"Okay maybe a little but that's cause I love you and I hate to see you with anyone else."

"You sure about that?"

"Of course."

"But seriously why did you call?"

"Because someone should knock on your door right about now." There's a knock and she looks at me in shock. She gets off the couch and opens the door still holding the phone.

"Food delivery."

"I didn't order any food." She looks at me.

"Regina Mills right?"


"It's for you." She nods and then I'm in the kitchen. She opens the bag and pulls out a container.

"You're grilled chicken?" She asks in shock.

"I know."

"You haven't made this in forever Emma."

"I know and I remember how much you loved it when I did cooked for you."

"This was so long ago. When we were first together. Barley even dating at that point."

"I know but I'm trying to show you I care. And I remembered how much you really enjoyed it. Because you know I can't cook and it was so special that I tried for you. You were so happy. The smile on your face was the most precious sight I've ever seen."

"Emma." She says softly.

"I know."

"You were never this romantic when we were together."

"I know and I should've been because you deserve it. I've been thinking about us. And how we used to be and I wasn't who I wanted to be. I always imagined spoiling my wife rotten. To the point where you would get annoyed with my love. And I've done nothing but hurt you."

"We hurt each other Emma."

"It's cute how you try to take blame too." She smiles and bites her lip.

"I just wish I was enough."

"Emma no."

"I didn't do you good? I was not the best wife I could've been. I didn't give my 110% of me. Regina I didn't give you 100. Yes we had great times but for months we went through hell because I wanted something else. I don't even know what the hell I was looking for especially whenI had all I needed right there. They say you don't know what you have until it's gone. And I didn't know. I never realized how perfect you were until I could longer have you. Fixing this will be hell. But I'm ready to be the person you wanted." She nods and I see all the unshed tears.

"Emma I love you so much. And I know for a fact you love me too. And no it's not easy but I'm giving you another chance please don't dwell in the past. This is our present and our future is so unknown but I know you're there. And we are together in my future."

"Why? Why do you keep forgiving me? I'm an asshole!"

"Because I cant live without you. I may act like I'm all fine and dandy but I'm not. I cried myself to sleep for weeks. I told you to leave. I forced you to go. You only listened to me. Despite wanting to be here. You did exactly what I wanted but it wasn't what I wanted. You needed to know I wasn't playing. That God forbid you really really mess up and I can't forgive you."

"I know. I think about it all the time. You've given me endless chances to make it up and I truly truly can't mess it up this time."

"Thank you."

"I miss you." I whisper and she smiles.

"I miss you too."

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