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Regina's POV

They clean our baby off and hand the now clean baby to us.

"Wow." Emma says in shock kissing my head.

"We did it?" I ask her and she nods.

"Do you have a name?"

"Ava Mary Swan-Mills" I say. Emma smiles. Our moms look at us and smile. I groan in pain.

"Hey baby what's wrong?"

"I don't know." I say scared and the doctor looks at the nurses.

"You're having twins." I look at Emma in shock. She takes Ava from my arms and holding my hand.

"Push." I push and keep pushing and they tell me to rest.

"Okay one more." I push as hard as I can and they lift another baby up who isn't crying. They tap the babies bottom and the baby spits up something. I look at Emma. The baby is really tiny. And that doesn't look healthy to me.


"He's a premie." The doctor says and they go over to my baby.

"He?" Emma says in shock. After an hour they hand me out baby boy who's tiny and skinny. I smile with tears in my eyes.

"He is not developed fully like Ava. He was supposed to be born in two more months. He's only 7 months. He is going to grow a lot more. Somehow you got pregnant while you were pregnant and we didn't see it. He's very healthy for a premature baby." I look up at Emma.

"A name for him?"

"Noah David Swan-Mills." Emma's dad cheers and I laugh.

"I think that's the first time that's ever happens for me." Our doctor says.

"We'll her birth certificates and everything you need. You'll be able to shower tomorrow and in a few days."

"We have two babies?" I say to Emma in shock.

"We have two babies."

"Five kids."

"Five babies." I say nervously.

"Hey we'll figure it out together. We always do." I nod and lean up puckering my lips.

"Want a kiss?" Emma asks smiling and I nod.

"Kiss me."

"Of course." She kisses me and I smile against her lips.

"Let us hold your grandchildren." Emma and I pass the babies.

I wake up and groan. I want to shower. My family left with the kids now it's just Emma and I.

"I want to shower Em."

"What baby?"

"I said I want to shower?"

"Need help?" I look over to see her smirking.

"Oh shush. But yeah."

"Anything for you. Can you walk?" I frown and she pecks my lips she gets us both a change of clothes from the suitcase and we kiss out babies who slept in some kind of thing. I don't even know. We get to put clothes on them. We don't have clothes for Noah.

"Em we need to but baby clothes for Noah."

"They have a store here baby. I'll go buy some after we shower." I nod. She grabs my hand and helps me stand.

"This is going to be me in a few years."

"Oh shut up you're not even thirty."

"Close enough." I say and she kisses my cheek. She's never kissed this much. At least not in a long time. We get to the private bathroom and then Emma gets me out of everything and then takes off her clothes. We shower and she helps me.

"I feel old."

"You're gorgeous." Emma pushes me up against the shower but softly and I giggle. I kiss her and she kisses me back. After 45 minutes of fooling around. Just kissing and giggling. We get out. I put on some sweats and I look in the mirror at my stomach.

"Wow you barely have any baby weight to work off."

"That's surprising." I say in shock. Emma gives me a big shirt after I pumps my breasts of milk. It's her shirt and it smells like Emma. She puts on my socks and I help dress her even if she doesn't need it. She's in sweats which don't hide her cock at all and a shirt. We walk out and Emma goes to get Noah clothes. She kisses me and leaves.

"Sorry baby boy. We didn't know you were here. But dadas getting you some clothes. But I'm sure you like being naked just like your older brothers." I say smiling at Noah. I dress Ava and I kiss her. Before I know it I start crying and Emma walks in.

"Hey baby what's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just, we have two babies. We are not in a good place Em. Not at all. We are in a terrible place to have one kid let a lot two. Em..." She hugs me and I cry in her arms.

"Shh baby. We will figure it out. We always do."

"But we've been in such a terrible place for god knows how long. And this is only more stress."

"Don't worry about that babe."

"I just don't want to fight anymore. I'm tired of fighting."

"Then don't. I know I need to get my shit together. I'm acting like an ass. Like someone who doesn't care about their family. Like I'm okay loosing you. And I know damn well that I would be wreck without you. I love you. I do. I really do. And I don't know what the hell is going on with me but I'm working on it. For you and for our kids. And this won't be like the last time my love."

"I love you my Emma Swan."

"And I love you my Regina Swan-Mills." I chuckle and she kisses me. I grab her face pulling her down and closer deepening the kiss and she groans. I try to lean back.

"Mhmmm baby....."

"I know, I know no sex for a while."

"But they didn't say I can't make out with my hot wife." I say and she smiles and kisses me quickly. She holds Ava and I dress Noah. The clothes are a little big but Emma said that's the smallest for premature. I kiss her cheek and we both leaning back holding the babies. I set my head on Emma's shoulder and and holds me.

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