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This is the last chapter. Sorry and I hope this is what you all wanted. Idk if y'all want another one and idk if i can write another one but I hope you enjoyed this story. Check out my other books. I'm trying to post like four chapters of books because I have more I'm writing. Thank you for all the support and votes and comments! Enjoy the last chapter swanqueen fans! ❤️❤️❤️

3 Years Later

Let's do this by age so all of you aren't too confused. Okay?

Regina- 29
Emma- 24
Kayden- 18 (adopted)
Jeremy- 16 (adopted)
Parker- 15 (adopted)
Nadia-13 (adopted)
Yasmeen- 10 (adopted)
Jacob- 9 2/4 (adopted)
Hayden- 8
Henry- 4 and 3/4
Ava- 4
Abby- 3
Baby 1- isn't born yet
Baby 2- still in Gina's belly

Regina's POV

"I said no!" I yell at my oldest daughter Nadia.

"Mommy yes!"

"You're not allowed to go out! You're only 13! You're too young to do anything by yourself!"

"I'm a teen now I can do whatever I want to do!" I want to kill her. The front door opens and I go downstairs getting there before Nadia. I see Emma look at both of us in shock. She looks me up and down but I'm too pissed to say anything about how's she obviously checking me out. Perv!

"One a time babes." She says smiling.

"I'm going to kill her Emma!" I say and I look over our blonde daughter who's arms are crossed over her chest pouting. Brat!


"I want to go out with Jake! Why not?! I'm old enough to do things on my own! Without my embarrassing parents going with me!"

"Don't you dare use that tone with me ever again young lady." Emma says strictly.

"Sorry daddy." She says looking down.

"What? Why? You use it with me!" I say.

"That's because use you're an annoy-"

"Aye! Come on. Go to your room and get ready. I'll take you." She smile and goes upstairs. I give Emma a look and she picks me up throwing me over her shoulder and I squeal punching her back. She smacks my ass telling me to stop all my fussing and then closes the door to our room once we get up there.

"No wonder our kids don't respect me. You treat me like I'm pone of them!"

"You're acting like a little brat."

"I'm not! Emma she is too young. She doesn't need to be hanging out with boy alone."

"Regina let her live. You're always so hard on her."

"Because I don't want anything to happen to her? Does that makes me a bad mom? Because I care?" I ask tears filling my eyes and Emma hugs me.

"No of course not baby. But she sees you like an over protective mom. But she still loves you and she still respects you. She's always had a tongue on her baby."

"I know and I hate it. She makes me want to choke her." I pout and Emma smiles.

"You act like one of them and you're the oldest brat." Emma says.

"We have to many damn kids." I deadpan falling onto the bed.

"12 isn't that many."

"Did you forget about 13 and 14?" I ask referring to my very pregnant belly.

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