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Regina's POV

My phone rings and I'm at work. I get up closing my door before I reach in my bag and grab my phone.

"Regina Swan-Mills speaking."

"Hi baby." I immediately smile to myself.

"Hi Emmy."

"I miss you."

"I miss you too but I'm at work. Why did you call?"

"It's important."

"What's going on?" I ask seriously.

"I'm bored."

"Seriously? Come on! You called me cause you're bored. I'm at work Em."

"I know but I'm bored baby."

"Bye Emma."

"No baby! Don't have up on me!"

"I have actual work to do. I don't get paid to sit around and eat donuts." I say smirking.

"Brat! You're such a fucking brat!"

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop doing that!"

"I will never stop because you're a little fucking brat."

"Watch your mouth." I say while I'm moving papers around to organize my desk. It's too messy right now.

"Or what Mrs Swan Mills."

"Emma." I say.

"I know you love when I call you that baby."

"I also love when you call me baby." I say pouting slightly. If Emma was here she would've kissed me.

"I know. And you are my little baby because you're so tiny and cute. So adorable. When you make cute little faces. Or you blush bright red when I give your cute little ass compliments."

"Emma." I say putting my head on my hand.

"Yes princess?"

"Oh god. Em stop" I say blushing even more.

"Why? Are you blushing babygirl." I bite my lip trying to fight the huge smile that's about to burst across my face. God could I be blushing any harder right now?

"Are you blush babygirl?"

"Emma Swan!"

"Come on I miss you and I'm bored!"

"Are you in school?"

"Yeah but the teacher is in a meeting and I'm bored."

"So bothering your wife shouldn't be something you do because you're bored Em."

"But I'm not bothering you. I'm complementing you. And you love it baby."

"God I do!" She laughs and I laugh too smiling.

"You have such a beautiful laugh."

"Awe Emmy."

"It's one of the sweetest sounds you make."

"Oh there's more?" I say laughing and shaking my head.

"Of course."


"Your moaning is such a sweet, sexy sound. You little whimpers when I do something you don't like. Or when I move away when we cuddle. So damn cute."

"I shouldn't be cute. I'm 25 years old! I'm not longer allowed to be cute."

"Well you are!"

"You act like I'm younger than you."

"In your mind you're like 15." I groan and I hear her beautiful laugh which makes me smile.

"In my mind I'm older than you brat."

"Ugh! Emmmm!" I say dragging out her name and she laughs again.

"I love you princess."

"Yeah I know you do."

"Good because I love you with my whole heart and then some."


"So I was thinking. I have been a lot and Hayden and Hope go to school in august kindergarten. I was thinking another baby?"

"What?" I say in shock.

"You don't want another one?"

"I just feel like we're so good right now. Better than we have been and I don't want ruin that."

"And you think a baby will ruin that for us?"

"Well yeah. And no."

"Baby." She says sadly.

"I just think we aren't ready to have a have again."

"Yeah sure." I sigh at Emma.

"I'm sorry Emma."


"Can we talk later?"

"See you." She hangs up and I put my head down feeling the tears. I don't want to fight. I just want to be happy again. Like before. And I get it people change. We have five crazy kids now and times are harder but I miss how it was before all this.

I pick up the kids and then get home. Emma gets the babies from our parents who watch them during the week.

I get home at 5 and I walk in and close the door.

"Mommy we hungry." Hope says. I kiss her cheek.

"What do you want for dinner?" I say getting down to their height with Henry on my hip. I smile. My precious babies.

"Pasta!" Henry says and I giggle and nod.

"Okay. Go play." They walk away and Hope helps Henry up the stairs. I smile at my kids. I go into the kitchen and start cooking. I make some chicken and garlic pasta. Something simple and quick. I hear the front door open and I sigh. I get the kids plates putting the kids food on the dining table. They come down the stairs and then Emma puts Ava and Noah in their seats.

"Can we talk later?" I ask and Emma nods.

"You're ignoring me now?" I ask.

"What do you want me to say Regina."

"Thank you love me. That you're really mad at me. I want to kiss me even when I'm pissed like you used to." I say looking down and she gets behind me and wraps her arms around my waist.

"I love you Regina. Nothing will stop me from loving you. But I'm mad and we need to talk." She slips away going to feed the baby babies and I nod looking down. After their are done. I get them showered and teeth brushed and I head into our room. I hear the shower running. I shower in the mornings. Emma likes to at night. I put on a nightgown and slip into bed turning away. I try to fall asleep and close my eyes.

"I know you're not sleeping brat." She says and I turn to see her in boxers and a sports bra.

"I'm not a brat." I mumble sitting up. She crosses her arms staring at me and I squirm under her intense gaze.

"What?" I say impatiently.

"You don't want another baby?"

"How bad do you want one?" I ask.

"Really bad Regina! Really fucking bad!"


"Don't! If you're going to say you have to think about it. Then just don't."

"Emma." I say in shock.

"What?! No more lies Regina. I want a baby. Like so bad. I know we have five already but I love so much and I just want more."

"And if I don't." She looks away and I sigh closing my eyes.

"I can't have a baby because you want to."

"So you don't even a little bit want a baby?" She asks in shock.


"Forget it. I'm tired and I have an early shift before school."

"Emma please."

"Nope. Go to sleep Regina." I sigh and she gets in turning away from me.

Miss Mills to Mrs Swan-MillsWhere stories live. Discover now