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Emma's POV

I walk into my class and I have to pee. Ugh I hate that! I walk out and go to the men's. Why are there so many guys in here. They all look at me weird and I don't want everyone to see my junk so I normally go in a stall and pee. So I do. I pee and I open the stall to see Teresa.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Come on Emma." She pushes me against the wall and locks the stall door.

"Yeah I'm not going to class." I hear some guys say and I groan. If someone sees me they will tell Regina and I can't do this again.

"Get out." I whisper and she pulls my pants down. I try to stop her. But I'm also trying not to get caught. She gets on her knees and I push her head away but she starts sucking my dick.

"Get off." I say and she keeps sucking. I'm not hard because I love my wife. And I love when she does this.

"Finger me Emma." She says and takes her dress off. I look away and i hear more stuff fall.

"Oh who's getting fucked?" I hear another guy say and I groan. She pushes her underwear off and grabs my hand. I pull back and she grab my dick pulling hard. I groan my head falling forward and she pushes me two fingers in her. She moans and I pull them out.

"If you don't finger me and then fuck me right now Emma. I'm going to tell your wife we fucked."

"She won't believe you."

"Really?" She asks and she grabs her phone. She shows me a picture of her on top of me topless and she's naked. A video of me! I was fucking her. But I didn't.

"How did you get that?" I ask.

"I know a guy and it looks just like you Emma. So either you fuck me and really cheat or your wife gets sent these pictures. And more. And she'll really leave you."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because I want you to be mine." She grabs my fingers aligning them with her entrance. I groan thinking. If I don't she'll send a video and photos of us that looks like we are fucking. If I do. I really cheat on her. Fuck!

"Emma do it." I push my fingers in sighing. I feel the tears in my eyes and I fuck her with my fingers holding back the tears. I can't believe I'm doing this. Regina will believe a video and a photo over my word. She loves me but if I saw a video of her like that. Bent over a man I wouldn't believe a word she's saying.

"Ahh yes Emma." She moans and I cover her mouth.

"Isn't she married?" A tear falls from my eye and she cums around my fingers.

"You know how to fuck. Now fuck me." She says.

"After this. Leave me the hell alone." I say and I push myself into her. I'm not even hard and she screams. I bite my lip to stop from sobbing. I am cheating on my wife right now. I can't believe this. I can't. How do I tell her? How can I do this?

"You know... what really.... sucks Emma?" She asks in between moans and I stop.

"No keep fucking me. I know you can do better but we'll get there eventually you will want me."

"Fuck you."

"Well I do think you are right now. Daddy." She moans throwing her head back and she plays with her boobs. I cringe and look away from her face.

"Emma if you don't cum in me. You better get hard and cum."


"You know if you tell your wife she won't believe I raped you. Blackmailed you. And that's the best part."

"Fuck off!" She moans and cums. I pull out still completely soft.

"Still not hard?"

"My wife makes me hard. No dirty sluts." She smacks me and I pull my boxers up and my pants. I quickly rush out. I know people are staring. I get into my car and drive home crying my eyes out. I'm surprised I didn't crash. I sigh getting home. Won't be home for long before she kicks me out. I unlock the door and I turn around locking it again. I walk upstairs. I play with Ava and Noah while crying. The other three are at pre-k. Dropped them off earlier.

"Hey Em." I frown and don't turn around or say anything. She's going to know somethings wrong.

"Em?" I cry silently facing away from my beautiful loving wife.

"Em? Hey what's wrong?"

"Please don't come any closer." She sucks her teeth and grabs my arm making me turn around. I keep my head down looking at my feet.

"Look at me."

"Em." She says hurt and I break down. At least on the inside.

"Once you're done. Come to our room. We need to talk." She walks out and I sigh wiping my eyes. I turn around and kiss my sleeping kids.

I walk into our room and I close the door. I sit on the bed and she sits next to me. I grab her thigh in my hand and she sets her hand over mine.

"Emmy talk to me. I'm your wife you have to talk to me. Are you okay?"

"I did something today and you're not going to understand, you're going to hate me probably not even believe me."

"Emma what are you talking about."

"I love you so much. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry baby. I'm so fucking sorry." I cry and she lifts my head up.

"What did you do?" She asks and I hear the waver in her voice.

"Teresa cornered me in the bathroom stalls. She first tried to suck me off and there were people in the bathroom so I was trying not to break her neck because people would see me and tell you I'm cheating."


"Let me finish. She striped naked in front of me and then showed me some pictures." Tears fill my eyes again.

"What pictures Emma-"

"Ones of her on me. Riding me I guess. Naked. A video of me fucking her and I didn't do it. I swear I didn't do it and it looks so real. It's not me. It look so real baby. She even said it's not me but she knows a guy and knows you would believe a video and photo of me. I don't know how but she said if I don't fuck her. She would send it. And I know you baby and you love me with your whole heart and then some but if you saw the picture and video you wouldn't care what I have to say. You would break up with me immediately."


"She made me finger her and fuck her. I cried. And fucking cried because I love you and I never ever wanted to do that. I love you. And I don't want anyone else. She even told me to get hard and cum in her but I couldn't. I'm so sorry. I understand if you do want."


"I understand if you hate me."


"I get it if you want to take the kids and leave me."

"Honey please-"

"I hope I can still see them. If that's okay with you."

"Emma baby let me talk-"

"God I'm so sorry." I cry and I look away. I've never cried this hard in my life.

"It's okay. I believe you. I trust you and the way you love me I know you wouldn't do that to me. I believe you baby." I cry harder hugging her. She hugs wraps her arms around me and holds me clsoe.

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