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Emma's POV

Regina is being discharged today. She's got on a white blouse with jeans and some sandals. For just giving birth to not only one but two kids. She looks gorgeous. Our babies are dressed and luckily I have the car seat in the back and bought another one downstairs for Noah. We need another crib too. And stuff. Oh god. We drive home and it's silent but that's because my baby is tired. I set my hand on her thigh.

"I promise to be here more." I whisper even if she's asleep and can't hear me. We get home and all the family is here.

"Hi" Regina says tiredly. Well she did just give birth.

"I don't think we're up for a party. Sorry guys." I say.

"We figured since you didn't know you were pregnant with two babies. You probably didn't think to get two of everything you own. So we did." My mom says smiling.

"Thank you." Regina says and I see her eyes getting droopy. I kiss her head and look at our family.

"I gotta put these three to bed. But thank you guys so much." They laugh and I walk with Regina upstairs. Holding both our babies. I set the sleeping babies down in the crib and I see Regina standing there like she's falling asleep.

"The kids are probably hungry and bored." She says and sighs.

"Come on. I'll get the kids to eat and entertain them. First bed for you missy." I make sure the babies are in the cribs comfortably and I'll actually put them to sleep later. She giggles and I walk her to her room. We don't sleep in the same room. She lays down and I take her jeans and shirt off. I give her one of my hoodies and pull the covers over her.

"Sleep tight babygirl." I kiss her forehead over and over for a little and she giggles adorably. I finally after a minute or two of kissing her I walk out the room closing the door quietly. I put the babies actually to sleep and then I put netflix on for the kids in Hayden's room. Henry is watch transformers with him. Hope wants to play barbies so I get her dollhouse out. I make craft mac n' cheese and dinosaur nuggets. I clean up after they eat and then put them all down for a quick nap. I go to lay down on the couch and the baby monitor goes off. I grab two bottles of breast milk. I feed both of them and then Hope can't sleep. I smile and pick her up. I rub her back and hold her close. She soon falls asleep and I check the time. 9:00 I put her to bed and lock the doors. Front and back. I pick up toys and clothes. Clean the kitchen and the go into Regina's room. She's sleeping peacefully. I smile and walk over to the bed. I lean down and kiss her cheek.

"I love you." I whisper and smile softly. She grabs my wrist as I go to walk away.



"Pleaseeeee. I know you don't sleep in here anymore. But please stay. Just for tonight." I smile to myself softly which makes her smile. I leave my boxers and sports bra on. I put my clothes in the dirty hamper and then I walk around to what used to be my side of the bed and I get in. I put the baby monitor on my side and lay on my back. I don't know if she wants me to touch her or not. I don't want to piss her off.

"Ugh do I have to do everything?" Regina asks. She moves over onto her other side and rests her head on my chest. I immediately without thinking wrap my arm under her even though I know it will be asleep in the morning. Then my other hand grabs her leg moving it over my body.

"Okay." I say which surprised me at how quick my instincts work to cuddle with her. Even after not sleeping together in months.

"Shut up you love it." Regina says.

"I do it's just been a while."

"From now you sleep with me. No more couch, no more guest room. With me. I can barely sleep without you and I don't want to anymore."

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