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Regina's POV

There's a knock on my door and I sit up confused. I look at my kids confused. The two youngest giggling to themselves cutely.

"Who dat?" Henry asks and I kiss his head getting up.

"I'm not sure baby." I open the door and I don't see anyone. I frown and I close the door but I stop something catching my eye. I look down to see a note. I pick it up looking around. No one is out. Who would do this? I close the front door and open the note.

I know having all the kids by yourself is stressful. So how about you go back outside and relax -E.S

I smile to myself. Emma? What did she do now. She's been so cute and romantic this week.

"Hey follow mommy." I tell the kids and I pick up the babies. One in each arm. I open the back door and I gasp in shock. My backyard has a huge projector screen with a big blanket. Snacks and food. Drinks. Rose pedals. Lights hanging from the trees somehow. I sit down while the kids indulge in the food eagerly. I lay the babies down on two little baby things Emma must've put out here and grab the note tied to the roses.

I'm sorry I haven't been there. For you or the kids as of lately. Maybe I haven't ever been and I've been too much of an ass to see. I know they are stressful so watch some movies I picked out. Eat some food. Some snacks and enjoy this time because they really do grow up so fast. I love you Regina. -Emma Swan

I smile with tears in my eyes and look around. It's so beautiful. The movie starts playing and the kids all cuddle up on me which makes me smile so hard. They are so cute. So precious. So perfect and innocent. This is just so beautiful and thoughtful. Since the breakup I haven't spent a lot of time with my kids. That's my fault. I've ignored them a little and I hate myself for doing that to them. They didn't do anything. And I hate that I choose to do that. I choose to bury myself into my work. Trying to think of anything other than Emma and our babies we share. And it's hard. So hard to not think of her when everything reminds me of the times we shared. But this. She did all this for us. I wipe my eyes and grab my phone. I kiss all my kids heads before moving to have a little privacy. I see Hayden tickle Noah who kicks his feet and giggles.

"Hey what's up?" I look at Emma through the phone and she smiles.

"Are you crying?"

"Thank you Emma." I say biting my lip.

"Why are you crying lovie?"

"How did you even have time to do this?" I ask confused and she smiles.

"Took today off."

"But today's a busy day. This is one of the days you get paid most for. I know living on your own is hard especially with the little salary and schooling."

"It's okay."

"How long did this take?"

"Well three days. I couldn't get the lights up. And then making sure you weren't home. Setting everything up."


"Don't get sappy on me Mills." She says and I laugh.

"I miss you." I say without thinking.

"I hate that I miss you so much. And since I've seen you I just.... I miss you more and more. It's like I can't breathe because you invade my every thought and I don't hate it." I confess.

"I miss you too. How are the kids?" I look over at them with soft eyes. Giggling at the movie they are watching and I turn the camera around. Henry stands up and I gasp in shock.

"Oh my god!" I hear Emma say. He kisses Ava and then falls. Hayden help him so he's sitting down again.

"We have some amazing kids Regina."

"I know." I say smiling and I turn it back around.

"Thank you again."

"Go enjoy the movie. I love you." She whispers like it's some kind of secret.

"I know." She hangs up smiling and I smile to myself.

I get to work and I plop down in my seat. This weekend with the kids was so amazing. We watched all the movies Emma gave us. They ate all the snacks. But it was amazing. It would've been better if Emma was there. I want to see her. In person. But I know I probably can't. The door to my office opens and Stefan walks in. I smile and kiss him.

"Hey babe. How's your weekend with the kids?"

"Oh it's been good. Great actually! Emma-" I stop. Oh god.

"What?" He asks.

"Emma called and said hi. They loved talking to her again." I lie to his face. I don't think I've ever lied to him. I don't even know why I did.

"Oh that's great."

"Yeah. It-it was. They were so happy." I say and he smiles.

"I'm glad. They probably miss her."

"Yeah they talk about her all the time. How much they miss dada and how they wish she was still there everyday. Helping tuck them in and kissing them."

"Well she's the one who screwed it up." I turn my head seeing Damon.

"What?" I ask him.

"Isn't she like a cheater?"

"No-No. She is-is not. She has never cheated on me."

"She's thought about it." Damon says and I look at him confused.

"Well yeah but things happen. She didn't cheat on me."

"You sure?"

"Yes. Emma wouldn't do that."

"Then why are you keeping my brother around?" He asks angrily.

"Hey Damon come on." Stefan says.

"Why are you defending her? It's obvious she's still in love with her! You're dating a women who's into women. Are you dumb or something?"

"I like who I like Damon. And Emma is the only women I've ever liked. She knows I like men."

"And yet you made an exception for her."

"What is this about Damon?" I ask confused. What the hell happened?

"She's in love with her! She doesn't even care about you. You're just some dude who's filling her spot until Emma gets her shit together!" Damon says and I look at Stefan who looks at me.

"Is that true?" He asks and I look at him in shock.

"When we got together Stef I told you I-I still loved her. I will always care for Emma in some way. She gave me my kids. She loved me for over three years. It's not that easy but you get that right? You said you liked me enough to understand that."

"Well maybe I don't anymore."

"Really? Because none of this would've happened if your brother wasn't here? You would've kissed me and then told me to have a good day. Came back and had lunch with me."

"Maybe it's not that simple."

"Okay then."

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