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Emma's POV

It's been two months. I've slept with who knows how many girls. Fuck school. Yeah I could care less. Selling a little. Drinking a lot. Fucking a lot. Smoking some weed. Takes away the pain. But I still can't get her out my head. I put on some baggy shorts. I short sleeve black polo top and sneakers. My phone rings and it's my parents.

"Sup birth givers."

"God what the hell happened to you?" My mother asks.

"I actually don't know. I don't remember what happens most nights. Just wake up with some blonde in my bed."

"God Emma." She says.

"God is right. They are wonderful in bed but nothing like Regina. No ones like her. But too bad so sad."

"When will you come see your children?"

"Eh, when I get some free time I guess. You know school is a total bitch. Yeah it sucks. Work sucks to too but the best is going to the bar and picking up a new girl every other night." I say smiling.

"Emma snap out of it. You're hurting. And sleeping around won't make you forget her." Dad says.

"Do you think Regina is crying and being sad over me? Hell no! And I won't either! Bye!" I hang up smiling. Ahh. I need to smoke. Again.

Regina's POV

I put on a black silk dress that's showing some cleavage. I curl my hair. So do my makeup and put on some heels. I slip a black blazer over my shoulders and I walk out the house after locking the door. I get to work and go into my office. My door opens and I smile seeing the very, very kind person who walks in with two coffees.

"Hey babe." He says and kisses my cheek. I smile at him. I know what you're thinking. Wow you move on fast. We only broke up four months ago. But I've been so depressed and he makes me kind of really happy. So I don't really care if it's too fast. Emma's probably sleeping her way around Boston.

"Hi Stefan."

"How are you?"

"Fine why?"

"Babe I know you and you aren't fine. You may look fine but on the inside I know you're really not."

"She hasn't went to see the kids at all. They keep asking for dada every time I see them and I don't know what to say. I won't say she's never coming back because I don't know if she wants to see them. She's their father after all. I just wish she would care enough to go and see them at least." I say sadly and he grabs my hands and I look up into his soft green eyes.

"Forget about her. If she doesn't want to be in their lives then she doesn't have to be. Don't force her to contact her own kids baby...."

"Stefan." I whisper looking down.

"I'm sorry Regina. I forgot." He's not allowed to say that and I nod understanding.

"Other than that how are you?" He asks his soft features making me melt deep inside.

"Good. You make me happy. Really happy Stef."

"You make me happy too."

"I don't make your brother happy." I say dropping his hands and sipping my coffee.

"Damon will get over it."

"But when? I've been trying for three weeks. He just doesn't like me."

"He's just protective."

"I didn't do anything to make him be that way!" I say annoyed.

"Okay calm down. And Elena stares so maybe that's another reason he's being so hard on you."

"It's not my fault his girlfriend thinks I'm cute or something or whatever she think I am."

"I think she's just curious about you in more ways then just friends." He says smiling and I shake my head.

"Well I'm sorry for turning his girlfriend or whatever I did but I didn't egg her on. I can't no make someone like me." I pout and he laughs.

"He also thinks you're not over Em- you're last relationship."

"I told you I don't think I'll ever be."

"I know. You were together for almost 4 years. That's not easy on anyone."

"See you get me. Why can't Damon?" I whine and he kisses me softly which makes me smile.

"You're so beautiful." My smile falls because I immediately remember Emma saying that.

"Emma no!"

"Fine we can wait baby!" She says laughing.

"No. The kids won't wait."

"Just come on the kids want to get in the water!" She says stilll laughing.

"No! They can go with their grandparents." I say.

"Fine go with grandma and grandpa." Emma says and they run off. I smile and lean into her side.

"God you're so beautiful." I smile looking at Emma with so much love in our eyes. If only I knew I wasn't going to be happy forever.

"I am?"

"Yes the sun is doing wonders for you baby."

"Thank you Emma. For making me feel that way about myself."

"Of course." She kisses me and I smile against her lips.

The image fades in my head and I feel the tears in my eyes.

"You're thinking about her?"

"When am I not? Every time I see our kids, I see her. Every time I think of good times she's there."

"When you think of bad times is she there?" He asks and I nod.

"Of course. She kind of broke me."

"And all I want to do is help get you back to where you were babe." He says softly and I nod. He kisses my cheek and I smile turning away with a blush.

"I have to get to work hun."

"Yeah I know."

"I'll see you after?" I ask hopeful.

"I'll be over." I peck his lips and he smiles leaving.

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