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Emma's POV

I keep walking until I find her sitting on a rock on the beach. Her hair blowing around with the wind. She has her legs pulled up to her chest with her head resting on her knees.

"Hey." I whisper sitting down but not too close. She might still be mad at me. She turns her head and I see the tears falling down her face. I quickly move close wrapping an arm around her waist and she cries harder.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

"What are you sorry for? I'm the one who's been a bitch since you arrived here." She says wiping her face.

"I'm sorry for a lot of things I did. I'm saying sorry for everything I ever did."

"I forgive you." She whispers.

"What?" I ask in shock sitting up more. She moves looking to me and I stare at her in shock.

"I forgive you. For treating me like shit. For not being there for our kids. For almost cheating on me. I forgive you for everything you ever did to me."


"Because I can no longer do this."

"Do what? I'm so confused Regina."

"Act like this. Be mad. I can't be mad anymore now I just really really miss you and I just want you back now."

"You do?" I ask in shock.

"When you were talking to the kids you really touched me I guess. You've done a lot to show me you're trying here even when I'm like this annoying little brat." I smile at the nickname.

"You took blame for it all. We've gone too many months apart Emma."

"I don't deserve this Regina."

"Maybe not. And I may be an idiot or crazy to anyone watching. But I can't do this without you. And it's not only because we have another kid on the way. It's because I love you."

"I love you too Regina."

"I know."

"How far along are you?"

"Like a month. I missed my period and then took the tests and now here I am."

"Do you want another kid?"

"There's nothing we can't do together. I didn't ask for one but I don't mind I guess."

"I don't mind one either. God I missed you baby."

"I missed you too dear." She whispers her lips finally meeting mine. She hums against my lips and I grab her thigh pulling her closer not wanting this lovely moment to end.

"What about Stefan?"

"What a way to ruin the mood."

"Sorry Gina."

"I broke up with him. He figured I was going to go back to you anyways so it wasn't ever going to work out either way."

"I'll break up with Caroline tomorrow."

"Please." I nod and kiss her head holding her close. Before I even realize it I'm crying.


"You're so amazing. You know that right? You-You're taking me back and I've already fucked up. Gosh you're so perfect!" She giggles and holds my head carefully. I nuzzle myself into the crook of her neck my hands on her thighs. She's cupping my cheeks and I smile.

"So we're having a baby again."

"Number six." She says.


"Yeah. I-I can't believe I'm pregnant again."

"Me either."

"After this Emma. Snip." I look at her in shock.

"Baby no."

"Yes! Six kids is too many Em. We can't do that many."

"What if I want more?"

"You can't be serious Emma?" I shrug and she punches my arm lightly.

"Very funny."

"What if I tell you I want 4 more after this one."

"You're crazy woman! I'm not letting you cum in me anymore." Regina says and I smile and kiss her cheek. She blushes looking down.

"You look stunning."

"You look beautiful." She replies her hand massaging my cheek.

"After this Imma give you twins."

"Again? Emma no."

"Maybe it skips a pregnancy and you'll get twins again. Please lord give me twins."

"Don't pray for that you asshole!" She says smacking my hands away and I laugh.

"Oh really?" She giggles and runs. I get up chasing after her. I pick her up from behind hearing her beautiful giggles of joy and then I put her down holding her waist as she turns looking at me.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Time Jump Anyone?

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