Chapter 6

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The first thing I did when I wake up is take care of granny , I slept for 2 hours before the nightmares woke me . The second thing I did was to clean up my room. I had to arrange everything again and it took me two hours. I tried not to think about Liam , I didn't really understand what he was trying to do . I couldn't even tell if he was pretending or not and it scared me .

Before the fire, I had a small crush on him. I wasn't in a good mental state when I moved here and Liam helped me without even knowing it. His small acts of kindness helped me a lot . I can't say the same now , he promised to break me and he is doing a good job at it. Even though I pretend to remain strong I know it won't be long before I break.

When 6 years ago , my parents were murdered in our old house , a part of me died with them. Grandma is the only family I have now and deep inside I know she'll leave me too. The murderer wasn't caught , the reasons for which he killed my parents are still unknown . I still remember his eyes , I remember him shooting my Mom and Dad , two bullets for each. I remember his touch , I was 11 but I knew which touch meant what and his wasn't pleasant. I wanted him to kill me there, I wanted to die with my parents and at one point I thought he would shoot me too but he didn't instead he whispered in my ears that he would be back for me before he ran away.

I didn't remember anything after that . I woke up in a hospital and when I asked the nurse if I could see my parents , she looked at me sympathetically. I knew then and there that it wasn't a dream and that my parents were actually dead. Even after six years , his blue eyes haunts me . I expect him to show up in my house , to shoot my grandma , the way he killed my parents.

When we moved here , Liam's mother had invited me for dinner. I went and wore the nicest dress I had , she had mentioned Liam but I didn't really think about him. When I went there and met Liam , I instantly had a crush on him , it didn't help that he was very kind to me. I didn't have money problems then because my parents had left a lot of money after me . Grandma had a lot of money too , she was stable back then , she could walk , talk and do everything so she took care of me. She tried everything to bring me back to my old self but even she knew that it wasn't possible.

Liam had helped me several times from bullies , almost everyone knew that my parents were murdered , it was all over the news . Some people pitied me and some bullied me. Liam always defended me , helped me with studies but I always pushed him away. He would try to talk to me , try to make me talk but I never did. I always gave him a cold shoulder . I sometimes think that maybe if I would have spoken to him then, he wouldn't hurt me now .

I know why he wants to hurt me and why he wants to torture me . He lost someone very close to him and so did I and I know how it feels. I don't blame him for treating me this way , because I know it was my fault . I know how it feels to lose someone . I lost my parents .

I still remember the fire , it happened 2 years ago. Grandma's room somehow was on fire. I wasn't home and when I was walking back home from school , I saw everyone surrounded by my house. I could see the flames . I ran , pushed aside everyone and got inside the house. I helped Granny and got her out. The fire was spreading quickly. Everyone screamed at me to come out , that the house might collapse but all I could think was about my parents pictures. I quickly went back inside , it was scorching hot , I started coughing and almost went back out but I couldn't, I wanted to something to remember them. The fire brigade wouldn't be there any soon so I covered my nose and went in my room . I picked the photoframe besides my bed table and rushed out. But there was no where to go, everything downstairs was lit , there was no way I was going to go out there alive.

My breathing hitched and I started sobbing when I heard someone inside the house. I screamed for help when I saw Liam's dad . He was downstairs and looking at me. I don't know how but he managed to get me down , he pushed me in front of him and we started running towards the door , I heard a crash and my back burnt a little but I ignored it . I couldn't hear anything only screams and whimpers of my own. When I stepped outside , I collapsed .

I waited for Liam's dad to come outside but he didn't and suddenly I remembered , I remembered his scream , the way suddenly my back had burnt. I knew what had happened , the floor had collapsed and I didn't do anything , I ran and didn't even look back. I saw Liam's mom scream and thrash in Liam's arm. I saw the tears in his eyes .

The fire brigade arrived immediately and started putting out the fire. When everything was out , they went inside and my eyes teared up when they brought a body back. All I could hear was Liam's mother scream in pain.

He was still alive but when I looked at him I knew that it wasn't possible for him to survive. Someone wrapped me in a shawl and carried me towards the ambulance. I hadn't realised that I was burnt until someone pointed it out.


I will be updating the book only once a week on Mondays. Hope you enjoy the chapter .

Love you all

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