Chapter 8

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They were suspended for a week. I was happy but at the same time a bit scared. They can't torment me in school but that doesn't mean they can't torture me somewhere else. I had been awake all night checking my house , making sure all the windows were closed especially my bedrooms. It is 5 am and I'm watching all the videos posted earlier. I start reporting them all .

Liam didn't do anything but it was him who started it by sticking dildos on my locker , drawing a penis. In every video I saw him standing across from me just staring at me whilst Noah kept forcing a dick down my throat. His face was blank but I couldn't help but notice something else as well , I can't put my finger on what it is though.

I shut the laptop close and start working on my project . I am not going to work with Liam , there's no way I'm ever allowing him in my house or going in his.

My phone pings and I check to see who texted me. It from an unknown number.


That's it , it says hey . I text back asking who it is when the person replies Xavier. It calms my heart a bit and I feel a smile pull on my lips. We talk about random things for a while. So far all I know about him is that he is 21 years old , he is an engineer and he is rich. I figured out the rich part when I was in his house last time. He asks me if he can pick me up to take me to the cafe. I think about it for a while. I'm still shaken up from yesterday's event so it wouldn't hurt to be with him , he will make me feel a bit safer so I say yes.

When I reach school , I see the girl who was sort of my savior yesterday. When she spots me , a wide smile takes over her face and she runs towards me. She puts an arm around me and pulls me to a side.

" You okay? " She asks. I nod and she smiles but doesn't say anything further.

" I'm sorry but I didn't really catch your name yesterday"I say

" I'm Eli, short for Elizabeth but you can call me Eli"

" I'm Charlotte " I say

We both walk to our class and suprisingly we have a few subjects together. Everyone in the school waved and smiled at her. She seemed to be popular and that instantly made me feel like an outsider. I didn't want her to get in trouble because of me.

I tried avoiding her while going home but she caught up with me quickly. Her house was a few minutes away from mine so she dropped me and went home. I didn't understand as to why she wanted to befriend me. Why she was so nice to me.


I dressed up and got ready to go to the cafe, I was waiting for Xavier to pick me up . When I heard a knock , I quickly went and opened the door. He stood there with a big grin. I couldn't help but grin back at him. We quickly sat on his bike and went to the cafe.

While I was doing my work , Xavier seemed busy in his . He had a laptop opened and a coffee and cake . He wore specs and took some notes in his book. I couldn't help but stare at him. He was so engrossed in it , that simple act made him look cute.

He suddenly looked up and caught me looking at him. He raised his eyebrow and I quickly looked away , hoping my face won't get red. As there was a less crowd , I left early. It was almost 7:30 and Xavier kept complaining about being hungry . I agreed to go with him but a part inside me was worried about the money. I didn't have a lot of cash in my purse and I had to save it for buying grandma's medicines and food.

We went in a nice chinese restaurant, I ordered the most cheapest thing on the menu while Xavier ordered starters, main course and then dessert for himself. He wouldn't let me pay at all and insisted that it was his idea so he should pay. I was honestly more than happy.

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