Chapter 11

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I spend another two days in Xavier's house , it feels wierd but I didn't have the energy to even get up . I was dehydrated and a bit malnourished. When I started feeling better , I asked Xavier to drop me to my house , he wasn't sure that I was okay but I had missed almost a week of school.

When I entered my house , it was warm , Xavier walked behind me and I looked at him questioningly.

" Did you fix the heater in my house?"

" Ya, it was really cold here , I don't know how you managed to stay here "

" Oh ! Thankyou . Can you write how much everything cost ? Like the nurse , my medicines , doctors fees and the heater ? I will pay you back ."

" Seriously Charlotte? I thought we were friends "

" We are ! But you really helped me and I just want to pay you back !''

" Well don't ! I'm not taking anything from you "

I sigh and don't say anything further . We have coffee and then he leaves . I quickly go the washroom and remove my clothes . I stand in front of the mirror and look at all the bruises. A shiver runs down my body when I picture those people touching me while I layed unconscious. I try not to cry .

The door bell ring so I quickly put on the shirt and sweatpants and go downstairs. When I open the door , I see Liam and I quickly try to shut the door but he manages to open it and shoves himself inside.

" Whose clothes are you wearing ?" He asks pointing at Xavier's tshirt and pants.

" That's none of your business ! Get out of my house or I'll call the cops !" I say

He laughs and suddenly his eyes go to my wrist and forearms . The bruises today are black and it's extremely noticeable.

" Let's start our assignment" he says

" What is wrong with you ? You left me in that forest all alone and you have the guts to come to my house and talk to me? You need to get your brain checked ."

" Don't talk to me like that ! You better mind your fucking tongue . And stop overreacting , we were going to untie you and let you go but you were already gone "

" Wait , so those people were you ! You all did that to me ! You are disgusting Liam , I know you hate me but what you did to me , I will never forgive you for that " I scream tears forming in my eyes

" What the fuck are you talking about? "

" Stop pretending ! You did this !" I say and show him the marks on my arms , " how can you live your life knowing what you're doing to me ?"

" I don't know what you're talking about. I went yesterday to untie you but you were not there. "

" Sure , keep lying ! Now get out , I want to rest and as for the project I already did everything , I have included your name in it so our project is done"

" I want to see it !" he says. I sigh and quickly bring the project. He takes it and starts looking at it when suddenly he starts tearing all the pages . I try to take it from him but he quickly moves me aside . I give up and just stare at him.

" The project is destroyed so now we have to do it again " he says and gives the torn book back to me.

" I want you in my house at 5 " he says and leaves.


I go to his house at 5:17 . He looks surprised when he sees me at his front door . We go to his room and I feel a bit wierd to be in the same room with him. I try not to think about any bad things and focus on the project. We both divide the work and start the project. I expect Liam to pull some prank but surprisingly his entire attention is on the project itself. We are halfway through when he goes downstairs.

I stretch my arms and look properly at his room. When I don't hear him coming up , I start going through his stuff. I look through his bookshelf, go through some photo frames and then I find a book on the study table. There's a piece of paper sticking out of it. I look at the door to make sure that he is not there and remove the paper. My eyes widen when I see myself.

The sketch is perfectly done and it looks exactly like me. For a minute I think that my eyes are deceiving me . I keep it back and pretend to do my project . My thoughts fill with suspicion. I don't understand. Why would he sketch me and keep it nicely tucked in a book. The sketch looked a bit old , it might have been when we used to talk but why would he keep it after all these years.

A few minutes later , Liam comes and continues his project. He has a can of coke which he keep sipping. I can't help but stare at him. When suddenly he catches me looking at him. He raises his eyebrow and I hastily vomit the words " Did you ever like me?"

When I realise what I said , I quickly cover it by saying that I saw the sketch . He seems confused for a second but that quickly changes into anger. He strides towards me and picks me up by my arm. I wince in pain when his nails dig into my skin.

" How dare you go through my things" he says and slams me against the wall. My back throbs in pain and I try not to scream.

" You liked me ,didn't you ? You still like me ! That's why you keep that sketch of me . I know it was you ! You were there in that forest ! You were the one that touched me . How do you live with the things that you're doing? You are a pervert ! Who knows how many more sketches you have of me . You even watch me through the windows! You are fucking disgusting !" I spit out.

His face turns red because of all the anger . He grabs both my arms and pushes me on the bed .

" I'll show you how disgusting I am " he says and climbs on top of me . I try to get up but he doesn't let me. He takes my wrists in one hand and pushes them above my head into the mattress. Everything happens in slow motion. I want it to stop , I want to scream but when I open my mouth nothing comes out. I manage to whisper a "no" but he doesn't listen. He kisses my neck aggressively , I feel disgusted.

When his hands goes under my t-shirt , he raises his neck to look at me and says " I will show you what pain really is ! I will fuck you so hard that you will wish that it should've been you who died in that fire"

That's when it dawns on me , that he might really do it. He isn't bluffing and he will rape me. I start screaming as loudly as I can. He pushes his palm on my mouth and muffles my screams. My screams slowly turn into sobs when his hands move everywhere. My skin burns wherever he touches.

" Please.. stop ! I'm sorry ! Please.. don't do this ! " I say but he doesn't listen. His hands moves towards my chest and I cry harder. He isn't holding my wrists above my head anymore but I can't move. My body doesn't co-operate. I want to push him but his weight on me doesn't allow me to move an inch. Bile rises in my throat when his hands go down towards my jeans. My body shakes with sobs , I manage to move my hands and start pushing him but it doesn't bother him.

"Please.. I'm sorry ! I'm sorry ! Just let me go ! Please!"

Suddenly everything flashes before my eyes . I want it to stop .

I can't breathe anymore. I grip the bedsheets . I need oxygen. He doesn't stop, his hands still touch my body, I feel his lips on my neck. Everything starts getting blurry , I don't want to go unconscious. Suddenly I turn my head to the side and puke. I cough and that's when I don't feel him above me. I quickly get up and try to run towards the door but my eyes are so blurry with tears that I don't see anything.

I wipe my eyes and see him standing towards the window. I hastily run out of his room and when I reach the living room, I run towards my house. There's a key under my mattress , I quickly get it out , open the door and shut myself inside.

Lock it in a box and throw it away

I sit against the door for a while. It feels like hours when I finally get up and go in my room. I fill the bath and sit in it . I lay down until my head is submerged in the water , I stay like that for awhile and when I need oxygen I raise my head and sit up again. I still have my clothes on so I start removing them until I'm naked. I see the bruises and start crying. I want this to stop. I want everyone to stop torturing me .

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