chapter 19

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I was pushed down on the cold floor as someone pressed my chest pushing me deeper into the ground . Someone held my hands and then they wrapped something around my mouth , something sharp. When I tried to scream the barbed wire sinked in my skin making me cry in pain.

The hand on my chest pushed me further down , I thought it would crush my bones. I tried to tell myself that this isn't real. They cannot find me here. I'm safe . I'm safe.

But it changed nothing. It still was dark and they were still punishing me . I wanted to wake myself. This couldn't possibly be true. They cannot be here.

I am dreaming
I am dreaming

The wire dug into the corner of my lips , drawing blood. I could smell the metallic stench of it. I can taste it.

I wake up drenched in sweat . I frantically look around , once my eyes adjust to the dark , I see that there is no one here. I touch my mouth and there's no blood. My chest doesn't hurt but it felt too real as if they were really here or they were really in my dreams punishing me.

I remind myself for the last time that they cannot come here. This house is huge , they have cameras everywhere  but it does nothing to make my fear disappear.

I splash some water on my face and lie down on the bed hoping to get a few more hours of sleep.


I go to college. I had no other option. I couldn't afford failing this semester. So I had to go. I wore a black hoodie and left my hair open so no one would notice me. It worked. No one recognised me . I didn't see them anywhere and I was extremely glad for it. I couldn't face them. I would cry if I did.

I go home to take a few books that I forgot to take at Xavier's house. I quickly pack them in my bag and go outside. As I shut the door and turn around , Liam stands there staring at me. I freeze and my eyes widen. I try not to look terrified. My hands start shaking and I shove them in my pockets so he doesn't notice.

We stand there staring at each other , I want to leave but he is standing right in front of me. A part of me thinks that if I move he'll pounce on me so I wait for him to leave instead.

" I deleted those pictures " he says breaking the awkward silence. Anger surges through me at his words.

" Yes ,so the cops wouldn't find it ! How can you even stand in front of me and say these words ? Aren't you fucking ashamed? You are blatantly admitting about deleting those pictures and you stand here looking guilty! You are fucking disgusting! How can you live your life knowing what you did to me ? You first sexually assaulted me and then you brought your friends to do the same! "

" I didn't bring them ! I didn't even know they were going to do that!"

" So you just stood there and watched them do it? You could have stopped them ! "

" Shutup ! You were enjoying it"

My eyes widen as those words tumble from his mouth. I take a few steps towards him and slap him as hard as I can.

" I didn't enjoy anything ! I didn't enjoy when you forced yourself on me ! I didn't enjoy when they ripped my clothes and forcefully took my pictures ! I was screaming no ! I repeatedly said No ! You all had no right to do that to me ! " I scream . I'm crying at this point.

" You deserve it for what you did to my.."

" Oh fuck off! Your dad killed himself ! Get the fuck over it ! Stop putting the blame on me just so it will make you feel better. You weren't enough for your dad to keep living !"

He looks taken aback . I couldn't give a fuck If i hurt him. I wanted to hurt him and I did so without lying. I shove him and walk away , as I look back he stands in the same position , his head slumped down.

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