Chapter 21

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I try to push him off me and be both start struggling , he drags me away from the cliff while I go towards it.

"Let me go " I screech but instead he grabs me and pushes me to the ground and puts his weight on me.

" Let me go ! Let me go!" I screech and scream but he doesn't. He doesn't say anything whilst I cry and scream.

" Please! I beg you! Please" I cry

My body stiffens as he puts his arms around me and hugs me." Shh! You'll be okay" he whispers and I can't do anything else except sob. He lets me cry .

"I can't do this anymore . I can't! Please just go"

" This is not the end of the world Charlotte! You have your whole life ahead . You can just jump off a fucking cliff because your grandma died" he says harshly

Anger surges through me after hearing those words.

" She didn't die you fucking asshole ! She was murdered! I say and push him off me. " You don't know what happened! You don't know what they did so stop pretending as if you know every fucking thing" , I scream.

" Then tell me! Talk to me " he says softly .

" They will find me ! I can't deal with it . I can't go through that again"

" Who will find you? No one can hurt you Charlotte! You can stay with me and mom"

I shake my head ," They will hurt you , they took everything from me ! They took my parents and then granny "

" Listen! Just stay with us okay? I won't let anything happen to you "

I scoff in disbelief, " You and your friends tortured me Liam ! What is wrong with you ? Do you really think if I stay with you I'll feel safe? I'll be safer alone."

" Just stay with us ! I won't come in your way ! I won't bother you "

" Why? You wanted to kill me a few days ago and now why are you suddenly being nice to me?"

" Because I fucking care for you " he screams

" No! You don't get to say this ! You can't say this after what you did to me ! You can't just pretend that it didn't happen" I cry.

My eyes are blurred with tears . I get up and move away from me.

" I never did anything to you ! I just wanted to start a new life , I just wanted a new beginning but you ruined it . You made me want to kill myself. No matter how hard I try I cannot forget that , I can't just forget it and then forgive you"

I'm sobbing at this point. My hands are shaking and everything looks blurry.

" I know and I'm sorry okay? We just got carried away. I tried to stop them that day from assaulting you but.."

I don't let him complete his sentence," You shouldn't have tried,you should have stopped them and you could have but you just stood there and watched."

" Just listen to me okay?..

" No! Just leave me alone, I don't want to talk to you , I don't want to see you ever again! Just fucking leave me alone if you really care for me"

I don't wait for his answer and just walk away.


When I reach my hotel room , I suddenly wish that I went with Liam instead. I've never felt this lonely before. I atleast had granny before but now it's just me and it seems pointless to go on .

I push my face into the pillow and scream and scream and scream until my throat hurts . I cry into the pillow so much that it's wet and I have to exchange the pillow. Every memory hits me hard but none of them is nice. I think of granny , I try to think about all the things we did before she got paralyzed but it's like someone stole all my happy memories and filled me with darkness .

What has life given me anyway. Everything I ever loved is snatched away from me . How can I live a life , how can I think of a bright future when all I've seen is darkness.

I try to push the dark thoughts away from my mind . But it engulfs me , swallows me and then there's nothing but darkness surrounding me.


Extremely sorry for the short chapters and not updating for a while. I did try to write a few times but I just couldn't come up with anything. With all this coronavirus going on , I have nothing to do so I'm going to try to get back at writing.

Also , I hope everyone is okay? Please stay in your house and take care of yourself and your family.

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