Chapter 17

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I tentatively step inside. Something feels extremely wrong. I want to turn around and run but instead I walk ahead. The first thing I do is check on granny. She is sleeping so I give her a quick kiss on forehead and check everywhere downstairs. I make sure all the doors and windows are locked and then I go upstairs. My room is clean and nothing seems out of place. The window lock is broken so I shut it and keep a heavy book in front of it to keep it that way.

I lie down on the bed and stare at the ceiling. The air conditioner in my room is broken so it feels hot and stuffy with everything closed. I slightly open the window , remove my clothes and lie down again on the bed with just my bra and panty on. I hate this , I hate my life. I wish my parents were alive , I wish that my granny could speak and talk to me , I wish that Liam didn't hate me.

I wake up when I hear whispers . I go still for a second when the whispers stop and for sometime I think that maybe I just imagined it. But then I hear footsteps again. They get louder and louder and then my door is kicked open. I gasp and cover myself with the blanket, holding it tightly against me as a shield. Its too dark to see the persons face. I scoot back in a corner , I can feel my heart beating out of my chest.

The person just stands there at the doorway , he turns around and I assume that he must be leaving but then more people enter the room. I go still when I hear Liam's voice.

The others speak too and that's when I realize that his whole group is here , in my room , in the middle of the night. If I can't fight Liam , there's no way I can fight the others.

" Look what we got here " someone says and suddenly I'm yanked down by my ankle. I scream and start kicking . It doesn't last for long though. My wrists are soon tied above my head and then my legs . I don't stop screaming though so they tie my mouth with their handkerchief.

My eyes adjust to the dark and I can see them clearly . Elijah turns on the light and I flinch at the sudden brightness. All four of them stand surrounding me . It dawns on me that I'm just lying in my underwear. I try to sit up but Jason comes and makes me lie down again. He gets on top of me and rests his hand on my throat and the other on my wrist to keep them in place. I try to scream at him to get off but it just comes out as dhdgshshh. I look at others for help, but they just stare back. I'm filled with humiliation at this point, I glance at Liam but he just stares at me with no emotion.

" Now you will listen to me Charlotte ? I'm going to untie your mouth but if you scream I'll do something worse ! Okay?" Jason says . He squeezes his hand on my throat and I nod.

I scream as soon as he unties me, my face whips to the side as he slaps me hard. My eyes tear up and I try not to cry and give them the satisfaction but it's too much.

Jason covers my mouth with one hand and the other hand moves down from my throat towards my chest. Bile rises up my throat . He presses his hand harder into my chest.

" I'll give you one more chance Charlotte ! Now if you scream again , my hand will go even lower !"

I know he is serious so this time I don't scream.

" Good girl! Now , don't cry , we don't want you crying while taking pictures ! Right guys?"

They nod

I get confused .

" What.. what pictures?"

Instead of answering , he nods towards Noah . Noah comes ahead and sits above me . When Jason releases his grip from my wrists , Noah holds them instead.

" Wh.. what are you doing"

Jason starts kissing my neck and then there's a flash , I look above to find Elijah with a phone taking pictures of us.

" No ! Stop! " I scream but Jason brings his hand towards my bra and holds the hem in a fist . " I will fucking tear these if you scream again " he says and I clamp my mouth shut.

Tears flow from my eyes and I do everything to stop the sobs threatening to come out of my mouth.

" Please ! Don't do this !" I whisper but he just laughs . He keeps kissing my neck as Elijah takes pictures . I shut my eyes as he grabs my boobs and snaps a picture.

" Stop !" I say and try to pry my wrists free .

I open my eyes when I don't feel him above me but I also notice that Liam isn't standing there anymore , infact he is not in the room at all.

Jason harshly wipes the tears off my face and snatches the camera from Elijah. He takes pictures of me and then he notices that Liam isn't in the room anymore.

" Where the fuck is Liam ?" He asks but the others just shrug .

" Well ! Good for us , we can do whatever the fuck we want now "

With one quick movement , he rips my bra , I cry harder as he removes it completely from me and then takes some pictures. He snaps some more while touching me all the while I keep sobbing. At one point he slaps me so hard for crying that I bleed from my nose.

I stop. I lay extremely still and close my eyes.

" If you don't want these online , you will listen to us and if you dare disobey us , you will face the consequences"

" I'm going to tell the cops"

" Good luck with that" he says and then they leave.

I quickly lock the door and get under the covers. My body shakes as I cry. I Feel so humiliated, so disgusted. Home was the safest place for me but they ruined it too.

I sit in the bath and let the hot water burn me . I scrub every inch of my body where they touched. I keep scrubbing I'm red and burnt. Jason's  dad is a cop and there is no way I'm going to tell him about this assault. Everyone knows how much of a bastard his dad is , he'll end up humiliating me instead. So I get back under the covers and keep crying until I fall asleep.


I cried while writing this chapter

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