Chapter 13

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I stare at her with my mouth open , I don't know what to say .

" It was an accident , we all know it ! How could he possibly kill himself?" I ask

" He..he told me at the hospital. He just stood there in the fire , he could have gotten out but he chose to remain inside. I didn't want to believe it when he told me . I didn't tell you then because it was easier accepting that it was an accident rather than the truth. There was no way I could tell Liam that. He was already devastated and I didn't want to hurt him by telling him that his father killed himself. My husband was planning this for weeks and I didn't have a clue. He was going to hang himself , he had a suicide note ready . He was depressed , there were so many things going on that he couldn't deal with them. " She says as tears spill down her face

" Why didn't he tell Liam ?"

" He knew it would destroy him . He could have blamed himself and I would never let that happen to him ."

" I blamed myself , I cried every night , I had nightmares. I went to his grave before coming here . Liam..his friends they have made my life hell and you knew it . You knew what your son was doing to me and yet you decided not to do anything . Why? Because he will blame himself ? Well thanks to you , I was the one being blamed and kicked. You don't know what I went through .. what I'm going through because of Liam . He deserves to know the truth. "

" I know .. I'm sorry ! I told Liam to leave you alone, I tried to stop him from bullying you but he just .. it's his way of coping with this. " She says and it makes me even more angrier.

" I'm done! I'm going to tell him ! " I say and stride towards the door. She grabs my arm and starts pulling me " please! Please don't tell him ! I beg you " . I try to free myself from her grip , I snatch my hand back roughly and then I hear a loud thud . I turn around to find her sprawled on the floor , her face scrunched in pain. I quickly move and kneel down near her asking her if she is fine , if she is hurt . I put her one hand around my shoulder and try to help her up that's when the door opens . I almost drop her when I see that it's Liam. His eyes widen and he quickly comes towards us . He pushes me aside and easily picks her up ,making her sit on the sofa.

" I'm fine Liam ! I just slipped okay ? Just help me up to my room and I'll be fine !" She says to him

He puts her one hand on his shoulder and helps her up , I contemplate whether to run back or help them . I sigh and take her other hand . We both manage to take her upstairs to her room. She thanks me and kisses Liam before getting under the covers. When I see Liam closing the door , I take the chance and run for my life . In a second I'm slammed on the wall. He twists my hand behind my back and roughly pushes me against the wall.

" Why the fuck did you come here ?"

" I just came to see your mom !"

He twists my hand hard making me wince in pain .

" It was you ! What did you do to her ?" he whispers

" I didn't do anything ! Let me go or I'll scream " I say and as soon as it is out of my mouth , his other hand covers my mouth. I start thrashing and screaming into his hand .

" Stop moving " he says in my ear and that's when I realise how close he is . My back is pressed up against his chest. I tilt my head around to look at him and his hold on my hand loosens. I turn around and expect him to move back but he doesn't budge . He comes closer to me and I catch him looking at my lips and then my eyes. My gaze shifts towards his lips and I get a little jealous of his pink plump lips. He moves his head closer to mine , I subconsciously tilt my head upwards and then I feel his lips on mine. They are soft and somehow it feels as if I'm kissing someone else entirely. I move closer to him so that we are pressed up against each other. His hands pull me closer and he cups my face with his palms . I trace his hands and then suddenly I'm out of the trance. But before I can react , I'm pushed back so hard that my head slams against the wall. I wince as my vision blurs and pain shoots through my head.

I quickly run out of his house . I control the tears and only let them out once I'm in my room. I think about the kiss and anger rises in my body. I don't know who I'm angry at exactly. He hates me , I hate him then why did we kiss. How could I kiss him after all the things he did to me. I pace in my room . My head feels heavy and I feel as if I might puke. The suicide , the kiss , is making me want to punch myself. I try to calm myself saying that it was just a kiss , that's it's nothing and I will be out of here soon but I know that's not true, my grades are slipping and without a scholarship I won't be able to afford college.

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