Chapter 28

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I don't know how we are going to escape . We don't have the knife , we have absolutely nothing. Even if we tried it's absolutely impossible to get out of here.

I watch out of the corner of my eyes as Liam does something to the brick walls. I hear him frantically scratching. My anger towards him has disappeared but as soon as I remember the things he and his friends did to me , all my anger returns. I was stupid and naive to sleep with him and I don't know how I could even have sex with him after everything.

I jump when the door suddenly opens. Two guards come inside and start dragging him. I sit up when I realize they are taking him outside. I feel a bit anxious and scared without him. He gives me a fleeting glance as they take him outside and shut the door.

I sit and feel even more gloomy . I go towards the brick wall where Liam was sitting and see that he has managed to scratch a bit of the wall. The only way I can go through the tiny hole is if I transfigure into an ant.

The door opens again and this time the uncle enters. He watches me for a moment and then gestures the guards , they take hold of both my arms and start dragging me away too. Someone harshly wraps a cloth around my eyes. After climbing some stairs and walking , they slam me on a chair . I thrash when they tie my hands and legs.

They remove the blindfold but then something heavy is slammed on my head . Before I can see anything , my eyes roll behind my head and I thrash in the chair as they send current after currents. They stop for a few seconds and then continue , not even letting me breathe for a minute. I taste something metallic but even if I tried ,I can't focus on anything.

" St.. stop" I try to mumble as tears trickle down my face. I whimper and feel the blood trickle down my nose. Bile rises in my throat as my body shakes . I scream as the frequency increases, it feels as if someone is squeezing my brain .

" That's enough" I hear someone say. It sounds as if they are very far. My head stoops down as I try to breathe. My vision is blurry and my nose bleeds even more furiously. I don't know for how long , I just sit there. When I look up , my eyes instantly meet Liams who is sitting in the chair like me.

" He is very fond of you so I thought, why not play a little game eh?" The uncle says.

The guards start uncuffing me again and I feel relief slam into me. They tie my hands behind my back and make me stand. My legs give up and I stumble but the guards tighten their hold on me.

Suddenly two guards enter bringing a big drum filled with water. Dread fills me I as I realise what they are doing. I try to thrash but there's no energy left in me. My head still feels woozy and it takes a lot to even keep my eyes open.

One of the guards holds my neck and dunks my head in the water. My chest burns and I try to scream. I suddenly get a flashback when Liam and his friends had done the same thing. My mind starts getting hazy when they pull me out. I cough and wheeze and before I can fully recover he slams my head again. I start kicking the guard but as soon as I feel his hands under my t-shirt on my stomach , I stop. I scream in the water and feel the fight in me disappearing.

They are going to kill me , I think .

This time , the guard drops me on the floor. My chest hurts as I cough . Before I can tell what's happening , a searing pain spreads in my thighs. Instinctively , I put my hands on my thighs and find something sticky and wet. I open my eyes and see my hands are covered in blood. My thigh has a deep gash .

I watch blurry visioned as both the guards lower themselves down on me.

" No" I whisper and try to push them but there's no energy left in me, my hands flop down to my sides as I try to lift them.My eyes get heavy as I try to stay awake.

" Uncle? I hear someone say and the guards are quick to get themselves off me.

" What is going on here ? You said you wouldn't hurt her !"

I crack my eyes open to see Xavier in the doorway. It's then when I notice that the button on my jeans is open . I quickly close it and sit up.

" She killed your dad , do you expect me to treat her nicely ?" The uncle says

" This is going too far now , you told me you would teach her a lesson and then let them go !"

" I will but I haven't even done half the things I have planned and I'm not letting her go unless she is black and blue ."

I wipe my nose as it bleeds. I don't know if I should say anything.

" You fucking rape her , you psychopath " Liam yells

" She asked for it!" The uncle yells back

I sit up and heave as I puke . I end up puking on the guards shoes. I don't stop , I keep retching until everything goes black.

" Get her back on the chair , keep sending currents until she forgets who she even is"


I hear a ringing sound , my head feels as if it's about to explode. My cheek is pressed on the cold concrete floor , I feel the warm blood touch my cheek as my nose bleeds. I can even smell the metallic stench. I want to move away , but my head feels so heavy that I don't even try. They haven't tied me and they don't have to. Even if I try I can't move. The shocks has made me immobile. I know Liam is in the room but the ringing in my head doesn't stop so I can't really hear what he keeps screaming.

I keep my eyes close even when there's a loud bang , I crack my eyes open to see smoke swirling in the room. There are more bangs and so many people enter the room that's it's difficult to count. Some of them lean over me , their lips move but the ringing sound doesn't make me hear anything. Instead I close my eyes . I don't remember anything except that someone picks me up and the rest is a blur.

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