Chapter 22

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I hear a knock on my room in the middle of the night. I groggily get up and almost open the door when I realise that I'm in a hotel and it might be anyone outside. I ignore the knock and see through the peephole only to find Liam standing outside.

I sigh in annoyance and shout at him to go away.

" Just let me in , I need to tell you something important"

" Okay , you can tell me that standing outside"

" Okay ! I saw someone outside your house! They looked wierd. They just keep moving around your house and tried to look in the windows. See i called the cops and told them so you don't have to worry. They must be media or reporters or something."

But I wasn't listening anymore. Panic gripped me as their faces flashed in my mind. Liam's voice sounded far away . I couldn't decipher what he was trying to say.

My legs gave out as i sank into the floor. My vision got blurry , I tried to breathe but it kept getting harder and harder. I gasped and banged the hotel rooms door as loudly as I could.

Am i dying?

It seemed too good to be true. "" I wheezed . I heard loud bangs on the door but I couldn't get up. My chest felt so heavy , I just wanted to take one breathe. I couldn't see anything with tears in my eyes.

" Charlotte! Just try to breathe okay?"  I heard a distant voice

Just breathe

Just breathe

I banged harder on the door as I tried to breathe and failed. " Liam " I gasped " help" . My head felt heavy and I knew I would pass out pretty soon.

" Charlotte get away from the door, I'm going to break the door"

I scoot away from the door as my vision gets heavier . He slams the door once twice and then he bursts through it. When he sees me curled up on the floor, he quickly kneels down and starts to calm me.

" Breathe okay? You will be fine ! Just breathe "

I nod and do as he says. I come into my senses as soon as it passes. It dawns on me that Liam is now inside my room and he knows where I'm staying.

" Listen you don't have to panic . I'm pretty sure they are reporters and if they are not , they definitely don't know you are staying here. "

" But..but what if they find out I'm staying here. What if they come here?"

" I can book a room here and stay here okay? If anything happens I'll be close"

I look at him wide eyed, I can't decipher what he is trying to do. Why he is trying to help me .

" Why are you helping me? " I ask

He sighs ," I don't know okay! I just.. I was terrible to you and I feel ashamed and disgusted because of the way I treated you , and let them assault you. He showed me those pictures and when I saw you , what they did to you , I just couldn't take it. I didn't think I was capable of this , capable of behaving and treating someone like this. I really regret doing all those things to you . You have no idea how sorry I am Charlotte. "

" A sorry won't change anything Liam . You don't know what you've done to me . I can't trust anyone , I don't feel safe anymore. Even if I try to put this all behind me I won't be able to. This is always going to haunt me ."

" Just let me help you , okay? That's the least I can do for you"

I hesitate but nod.

I don't know why I'm even talking to him but deep down I know that he is really sorry . A part of me is selfish and wants him to help me because I'm scared , scared of what they'll do to me if they find me"

" Listen you don't have to stay here , you can come to my house" he says

" No! That's too close to my house! What they find me there "

" Okay! I'll get a room in this hotel . I'll probably be on your floor "

I nod and watch as he saunters out.


I try to sleep but the nightmares keep waking me up , each worse that the previous. I'm covered in sweat and I can hear my heart beating in my chest. I sit up and ponder if I want to go for a walk. It's definitely unsafe to do so but it's the only thing that gives me a bit of solace.

I'm in a black hoodie , black leggings and there's no way anyone will recognise me like this. I quickly go out and breathe a sigh of relief when the cold air hits my face. As I exit the cheap motels lobby , I spot someone eerily similar looking to Liam. He has a hoodie on and he is smoking looking distracted. Before I know it , I go towards him .

He looking at me suspicious and as I come closer , he recognises me.

" What are you doing out at this time?" He almost screams

" I just wanted to go for a walk"

" Okay let's go"

" What? No ! I'm not going with you"

" Well! I'm not letting you go without me so it's your choice "

" Ugh! Fine " I groan in annoyance and start walking.

He follows me from a distance and after a while starts walking besides me. I enjoy the silence and the fact that he hasn't spoken one word. But of course it's too good to be true.

" Gosh ! You look like a fucking kidnapper or something"

I give him a look and start walking quicker. He laughs and catches upto me in a few strides .

" Loosen up a little Charlotte " he says .

" Sorry if I'm being a stuck up bitch Liam! It's not like someone is thriving to kill me is it" I say and give him a glare.

He sighs " I know , I'm sorry "

I scoff and walk faster

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