The past

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She creeped down the stairs when she heard no voice. Her parents had rushed downstairs after hearing some noises and she had patiently waited upstairs but it was eerily silent now and she had to do something. She tried to be as quiet as possible and winced when one of the stair creaked under her toes.

" Mom ..Dad?" She said her voice hushed

She heard something vague and quickly ran down to see if her parents were alright. She freezed when she saw them tied to chairs and almost ran towards them when she noticed someone else as well. He had a mask on his face and she clearly saw the gun in his hand.

She was about to run back up when someone caught her from behind and dragged her towards her parents. She saw her parents tear stricken face and their muffled screams. Her mom was shaking her head and screaming whereas her dad had never looked so angry in her whole life.

" This is going to be fun " she heard the man say and before she could do anything , she was slammed on the ground. Everything was happening in a blur . Through her half open eyes she saw her parents face. Her mom was screaming and her dad was shaking with anger. She raised her hands towards them. She wanted this to stop.

" Mom" she said softly and her mom cried harder.

She suddenly felt the weight off her . She tried to get up, she wanted to go to her mom . She just wanted her but she heard gunshots, two of them and saw as it hit her mother straight between her eyes. Charlotte staggered back as they hit her dad.

She stood their expectedly , waiting for them to shoot her as well but they didn't. They ran . So much was happening , she couldn't tell anymore. She heard more gunshots , she heard sirens but she wasn't sure.

It must be a dream , she thought for a second. They are not dead , they cannot be . They would never leave me alone like this. But deep inside she knew she was being delusional.

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