Chapter 25

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I don't open my eyes and try to listen to the voices around me. I feel like I'm in a car and possibly hidden behind the back seats.

" I don't think this is a good idea!" I hear a voice .

" Your dad died because of this bitch. We will make her suffer !"

" But uncle , I don't know .."

" You don't have to get involved, I'll take care of it"

I stay still when I hear the car stop and door opening. I expect them to get me out as well but after sometime the door closes and the car starts.

I start screaming for help. I don't know what else to do . I scream and bang on the seats and the roof of the car. The car screeches as it stops and suddenly the door opens. The man grabs me and pulls me outside. My eyes are covered so I can't see him but I don't expect the slap that follows. I wince as he grabs my hair and starts pulling me with him. I scream and scream but stop when he slaps me hard again and tells me that there's no point in shouting as there is no one around.

I hear him opening the door and he quickly shoves me inside making me trip on my own legs. I thrash and struggle as he make me walk down the stairs. Suddenly there is another person here as well. And I scream as they both tie my hands and legs. They make me stand and shove my hands in the air. Suddenly I'm lifted up and I freak out when I don't feel the ground under my legs.

" Shut the fuck up" someone screams and something is tied around my mouth muffling my screams.

I start crying as I feel totally helpless. I hope that Liam might tell someone , call the cops and tell them about Xavier.

" Leave ! I want some time with her " I hear him say and I cry harder.

When the room is eerily silent I hear his footsteps and it stops where I'm tied up.

" I remember that day so clearly even now. You were so little. The fun we had "

I sob as he continues , I sob as he repeats what had happened. He takes the blindfold off me and I cry harder as I see his face.

" Xavier wasn't really thrilled when I told him about kidnapping you. But when I told him how his father died because of you , he obliged. If not for him , I would have never found you"

He leaves the room , leaving me alone with my thoughts. I don't know what hurt more, the fact that I am kidnapped by a psychopath or that my friend has betrayed me. My arms were starting to ache, I tried not to move too much as it sent a spearing pain throughout my body.

I quickly glanced at the door as it opened but this time it was Xavier who entered. He came and stood in front of me . He didn't say anything and after a few minutes left. I wanted to tell the truth to him. His uncle was using him and feeding him lies.

I was exhausted, tired and extremely hungry. My arms had gone numb now and I desperately wanted to lie down. I felt sick because of hanging like this all day. I wanted to use the washroom as well.


When I woke up , I was on the ground. I brought my hands forward and they were free . I quickly tried to run towards the door when I was snatched back. I gasped as the leash around my neck tightened and I was abruptly pulled back. I touched my throat and felt the metal cuff around my neck. It was attached to a chain and was tied to a metal pipe. I tried to pull the chain off the pipe but to no avail. After a few tries , I gave up and sat back sulking.

The only things in the room was a bucket . Seeing that bucket reminded me that I had to pee hard, So I used it . My face grew red as I sat back. The chain wasn't that big so it didn't really allow me to move that much. Whenever I moved my arm , I felt a searing pain. My wrists were dark red and my legs still felt a little numb.

I jumped when the door opened and the man came in . He threw me a sandwich and bottle of water. I eyed them both suspicious about them. My stomach growled and he laughed.

" Suit yourself" he said and left. I eyed the food for a few minutes and then took a sip from the bottle to check it. It tasted alright and before I knew it , I had gulped the whole bottle. I hogged the sandwich as well and gosh it felt so good.

I layed on the concrete ground and went to sleep . When I woke up , My jacket was no longer on me. I was only in a tank top. I looked around the room and saw him siting on the stool across the room.

" Wh..what did you do?" I screamed at him.

" Nothing" he said feigning innocence.

" Why did you remove my jacket , you fucking creep!"

" Oh ! You were sweating so I took it off of you "

I felt sick . He could do anything if I sleep. I hadn't even noticed him taking my jacket off.

" They are going to find you! My friend knows I was going to Xavier!" I say

" Oh I know ! They did come for enquiring and Xavier told them that you had cancelled and stayed in the hotel itself . "

" They must have seen the hotels footage . He came to pick me up "

He laughed . " Do you think a dingy motel are going to have working cameras?"

" Don't ever fucking touch me when I'm unconscious" I say bile rising in my throat

He laughed again and left leaving me in tears.

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