Chapter 29

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I watch as they pick her unconscious body and make her sit on the chair . They don't have to tie her , the helmet is put back on her head and as soon as the current passes, her body thrashes in the chair , her screams and whimpers fill the room.

" Tie her up " the man screams as she falls off the chair and one of th guards quickly does so. His hands linger on her thighs .

The uncle leaves the room . I close my eyes as they keep torturing her. At some point her screams stop and I open my eyes expecting to see the guards outside but they are still here. The only reason she doesn't scream is because her body has shut down. She doesn't have enough energy to scream.

" Let her go !" I scream at them for the umpteenth time but as usual they ignore me. I watch as they untie her and drop her on the ground. One of the guards leans down on her body and his hands move up from her thighs . He massages her shoulders and I feel sick when he lifts her shirt and his hands move to her bare stomach.

Before he can do anything , the other guards lifts him off her , " if The king find you like this , he will rip off your hand "

The guard is quick to get off her. He picks her and puts her on his shoulder and goes outside , the other guard moves me too.

When we are alone , I try to scream, I try to wake her up but she doesn't even stir. She lays on her side and her nose bleed so much that it starts to drench the side of her face.

Suddenly there's a loud bang outside, I try to listen to what's going outside but the only thing I hear is gunshots and footsteps , a lot of footsteps. I jump when the door is kicked off its hinges. Relief floods into me as a few officers barge into the room. Some of them quickly untie me and the rest go to Charlotte.

Everything happens in a blur , we both are put into ambulances. My condition is far better than hers . We are put into different hospital rooms . No one tells me what is going on. No one tells me if she is going to be okay. My mother runs in the hospital room and pulls me in her arms as she starts crying.

" I'm fine mom " I say trying to get out of her tight hold.

" I thought ..i thought they killed you. I was so worried " she says and I can see it on her face. She seems to have lost a lot of weight , her face looks hollow and her eyes has bags underneath them.

" I'm fine now" I say and awkwardly pat her back.

" How is Charlotte?" I ask

" I.. I don't know . She is in the emergency room. Her condition seems bad . She was bleeding and covered in blood when I saw her . "

I nod

Two officers enter the room , my mother excuses herself when they say that they need to ask me a few questions. I tell them everything I know . One officer named Charlie McGill writes my statements.

" Thank you " they say and start to leave when I stop them.

" What happened to him ? " I ask referring to the uncle.

" He was unfortunately killed during our encounter. "

" And his nephew Xavier?"

" He was the one who contacted us and gave us the location. He has already confessed to his crimes. "

I nod and sit still. I cannot believe for a second that Xavier told them. He did seem a but baffled by what his uncle was doing but I didn't expect him to call the cops and tell them everything. I feel a bit thankful that he did though.

When I feel a bit better , I get up and try to search for Charlotte. When I see two big officers outside a door , I know for sure that she must be inside. They  don't let me go inside so I watch from the small window as she lays on the bed . She seems small on the bed and she is. I watch the rise and fall of her chest and then go to my room feeling better after seeing her.

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