chapter 9

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When I walk to school , I see Liam and Jason standing outside the gate. They are suspended so they can't go to school. I quickly turn around and start walking towards the second gate but then I spot Elijah and Noah there. I feel scared , I understand what they are trying to do and it freaks me out. I hide behind a tree and watch them for a while , waiting for them to go away. Suddenly I'm grabbed by the hair and roughly turned around.

Liam roughly starts dragging me away from the school. Elijah , Noah and Jason quickly follow him. The fact that Liam is the one hurting me now is scaring me more than anything. It is always Jason or his friends doing the dirty deeds for Liam . There are a few times when Liam has himself hurt me but whenever he does it's always painful and torturous.

" You shouldn't have gone to the principal " Liam says , I try to hold on to the floor but he tugs my hair so roughly that I stop struggling. It seems like hours when we finally stop. He throws me in front of him and they surround me. Its secluded here and I doubt that even if I scream no one might hear me. It looks like a never ending forest.

Jason and Noah comes towards me, Jason picks me up like a rag doll and takes me towards a tree. I scream and thrash in his arms. He pushes me against the tree and ties my hands back. Noah comes with a rope and starts tying it around me.

" please! I won't do it again ! I'm sorry ! Please ! Let me go " I say but they all just laugh at me. I wince as Noah suddenly rips my top .

" Wha..what are you doing ? " I want to cover myself but my hands are tied behind. My eyes tear up but I try not to cry.

" Liam ! Liam please don't do this " I say

" You deserve this ! You deserve everything that we are doing to you " he says . He comes towards me and makes sure that I'm tied properly. I watch as they start going , I start screaming as loud as I can .

" Please don't leave me here ! Please! " But they all go away as if they don't hear me. Half-way through Liam turns around and comes back. For a second I think that he is going to untie me but instead he ties his handkerchief around my mouth. I cry harder .

I watch them go , I see them becoming smaller and smaller and eventually they are gone. I calm myself and try to untie my hands but even if I did untie them I won't be able to remove the rope that they tied all around me. My body starts throbbing in pain. They have tied me in such a way that I'm a bit high from the ground , my legs don't touch the ground . I know it's been just a few minutes but it already feels like hours. Now that there's no one around , I start sobbing, my body shakes with each sobs . Goosebumps cover my body and as hours pass by I shiver because of the cold.

My top is torn and thrown away from me and I'm just tied in a bra. I want someone to untie me but at the same time I'm scared that if someone from school finds me like this I would be embarrassed.


I open my eyes only to find myself restrained. It's pitch black now and when I look down I'm drenched . My hair feels wet and the water drips on my neck and shoulders . It must have rained . I start shivering and somehow I wish that I could fall asleep again but ofcourse nothing happens according to my wish and then it starts raining again.My teeth chatters and I shiver whenever there's breeze . I realise that I'm thirsty but Liam tied the cloth so tight that I can't even open my mouth.

There's still a small hope in my mind that they might come and untie me anytime now. I wait patiently for hours when my eyes start drooping again. I shake my head and try to stay awake but my body doesn't co-operate.

I go unconscious again and again and I forget how long I have been tied up here. My body has gone numb and my neck aches from being in a same position . I want to scream but my throat is dry and I can hardly make a noise. I suddenly hear something and I start screaming as loudly as I can. My throat hurts but I ignore it and keep screaming . My voise comes out muffled because of the cloth but I have no other option. I wait for them to hear me and then I hear footsteps . I sigh in relief .

I feel a bit calm when I hear the footsteps coming closer and closer . I scream again so they know where I am . I hear them behind me , I try to turn my neck back but even a small movement hurts.  I try to speak through the cloth but even if they hear me they don't make any noise . I hear crunching of leaves but other than that they don't say a word .

I shiver when suddenly I hear a whisper in my right ear saying " No , we won't untie you " and then someone else whispers in my other ear the same thing. I feel them behind me, so close to me. I start feeling drowsy but I don't want to go unconscious when there are strangers around me . I try to keep myself awake but my eyes feel heavy . Everything turns dark and then I hear laughter.

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