chapter 10

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I open my eyes and rub them. My face is wet so I start wiping it with my hand and suddenly I realise that I'm not tied anymore. I'm lying on the grass and I'm untied . I don't understand at first but then I remember those people and I feel a shiver run down my body. That's when I notice the purple marks on my wrists, some on my neck , scratches on my chest. But that could have been the rope.

I don't know what happened to me , I don't know if those people did something to me and it scares me. I don't understand what to do . I don't understand anything at all. I spot my bag on the ground and I quickly snatch it. I feel a bit better when all of my things are still in there . I quickly take out my phone and call the only person I know who might help me . He picks up the call only after a few rings , I send him my location and he promises to come as fast as he can.

I sit there shivering against a tree. I feel ashamed that I'm in my bra , I don't want Xavier to see me like this. I hold the bag against my chest and rub my palm together. A few minutes later I hear footsteps . I pray for it to be Xavier. I don't want to face those strangers again.

As soon as I see Xavier , I quickly get up and run in his arms. " Hey, you okay?" He asks and I can only nod. He has a backpack with him and he quickly gives me a water bottle from it. I gulp the whole bottle down. When he notices that I'm only in my bra which is socking wet , he removes his jacket and gives it to me.

" What happened? What are you doing here ? It's not safe !" He says and I immediately start crying.

" I'm.. I'm sorry ! . You could have gotten hurt . What were you doing here ?" He asks more calmly now.

" I just .. I just want to go home , please! I don't want to be here. "

He nods and holds my backpacks and helps me walk. We walk for 5 minutes and my legs give out. He carries me and when we are out of the forest , I see his car parked. He puts me in the passenger seat and turns the heater on.

" Charlotte.. you are burning with fever . I'll take you to your house and I'll call the doctor okay? You can rest there for a while . "

I nod and mumble something and instantly go to sleep. He puts a blanket on me and my heart instantly feels warm.


Xavier quickly calls the doctor . I lie on the bed and Xavier keeps covering me with blankets upon blankets. I still shiver and I pull the blankets under my chin. I had changed my clothes and I wore Xavier's sweatshirt and pants. They were loose but extremely comfy. I was in the forest for three days. I must have been unconscious for more than half the time.

I was almost asleep when the doctor arrived . When he saw the marks on my wrist he wanted to see if there were more. I hesitantly looked at Xavier ,He turned around . I removed the sweatshirt , I still had a bra on . When the doctor looked at the bruises on my chest and stomach , her expression went blank. I couldn't tell what she was thinking. When she was done , I put the sweatshirt on and Xavier turned around .

" I would like to speak to her privately " the doctor says.

Xavier nods and leaves the room.
The doctor asks me if I was sexually abused .

" I.. I don't know ! "

" If you want I won't tell Xavier anything . Everything will remain between the two of us . But you need to tell me what happened, okay?"

I nod and tell her everything. I tell her that the bruises might be from the rope they tied me . I tell her about those people too and throughout this all , her expression remains blank. When I'm done she takes my wrist and examines the bruises .

" These bruises doesn't look like rope. Yes there are bruises from the rope as well but they are near your palm and there are other marks just above it and on your shoulders and forearm as well. The marks on your chest were certainly not from a rope. I don't think they raped you but you just need to do a checkup just in case. Your leggings were on when you woke up and you don't feel any pain so that's a good thing. Charlotte , you should tell the cops or atleast Xavier. This is extremely serious" she says and hands me her card.

She gives the prescription to Xavier and then leaves . When Xavier comes back upstairs ,he finds me crying .

" Hey! What's wrong? Are you hurt?" He asks and starts checking my arms and legs for anything.

" No .. I'm fine " I say but I know he doesn't believe me . He sits besides me on the bed and then hugs me. My cheek is pressed against his chest and I cry harder . He keeps murmuring that it's fine, that everything will be okay but I know that everything is far from okay.

" My grandma! I need to go home , She must be scared , she must be alone . I need to go " I say

" It's alright Charlotte ! I actually first dropped by your house when you were asleep in the car . I rang the bell a few times but no one opened , I took the keys from you bag and went inside so I could take you inside but your house was cold and there's no heater in your room so I just took you to my house. I told a nurse to take care of your grandma while you were here so you don't need to worry. I know it was creepy but I did try to wake you up but you wouldn't and for a second I thought you were dead but I know last time you were so annoyed that I brought you to my house instead of yours so I just wanted to be sure this time"

" Thanks Xavier and I really wanted to thank you for coming to get me . I just didn't know who to call and you were the first one that came in my mind but seriously thankyou " I say and hug him tighter .

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