chapter 23

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I wake up feeling tired and with the urge to pee. When I go towards the restroom , I stumble upon something on the floor . I almost scream when I see Liam sleeping . He groans and clutches his stomach where I stepped .

" Wh..what are you doing here ?" I scream

He groans once again and covers his ears," fuck! Stop screaming woman"

"Why are you sleeping in my room?" I scream back

" I don't know!"

When I try to remember last night , all I can recall is walking with Liam and then drinking alcohol , the rest is a blur.

" I have such a bad headache , fuck" Liam says

" What happened last night? Why can't I remember anything?"

" You were drunk out of your mind, that's what fucking happened"

" Get out of my room "

" Ugh, jeez " he says ,gathers all his clothes and goes to his room.


When I'm about to shower , my phone starts ringing. I quickly pick it up when the name Xavier flashes on my screen.

" Heyy! He says

" Hey! It's been a while since I've heard from you" I say

" Yeah! Just been a bit busy! Anyway, I just passed by your house , I was going to meet you but there's tape and stuff outside. Is everything alright?" He asks concern masking his voice.

" Oh ! Um, it's a long story. I can come meet you in a nearby cafe if you're free?"

" Oh yeah sure! Where are you staying? I'll come pick you up?"

" No it's alright! Meet me at the Tea villa cafe in an hour!"

" Okay bye" he says and hangs up.

I quickly shower, get ready . When I'm closing my room , I spot Liam outside his door talking on his phone. He speaks in hush voices and when he sees me going out , he raises an eyebrow at me.

I ignore him and walk quickly.

My face breaks into a huge grin when I spot Xavier. He smiles as brightly as well but he seems upset. His eyes has bags underneath them , and he has lost some weight.

" Hey ! " He says as I walk to him.

He waves and we enter the cafe. There's not a lot of rush today and I feel my anxiety slip down a little.

" What happened at your house ?"

I tell him everything . His face contorts into sympathy when he looks at me now and I hate it.

" Don't look at me like that Xavier"

" Fuck ! This is fucked up Charlotte. Why didn't you tell me before ? "

" I just didn't get the time with everything happening. I had to go for the questioning and they think that the killer might come back for me"

" Do you think he'll come back? Do you know who they might be?"

My mind flashes back to the memory I had buried years ago

" No" I lie

" You should come stay with me ! It's safer and we have many people at our house . It's not safe for you to just live at a motel when this killer is looking for you "

I start shaking my head to say no but he beats me at it ,

" Charlotte just listen to me okay? This is not about your pride now . I know you don't feel comfortable but the way they killed you grandmother , they can do horrible things to you and I'll never forgive myself if they hurt you. Just come to my house till they catch him okay? "

I give up and say yes. I know that while I'm at his house , it's very unlikely that the killer will find me . And I'm probably more safer in his house that the dingy hotel.

We go back to the motel together to collect my things . He waits downstairs when I pack all my things. When I step out of the door , my gaze goes to Liam's room. His door is shut and I contemplate whether to knock or to just leave but I knock anyway. He opens the door with a towel tied to his waist. I stare at his naked chest and then quickly avert my eyes.

He furrows his eyebrows as he sees the bags in my hand

" Are you going somewhere?" He asks. I nod and tell him about Xavier. Anger flashes in his eyes as soon as he hears his name .

" So you're just going to go and stay with a stranger? For all you know he might be the killer !"

" He is not a stranger ! He is my friend and it's very likely for you to be the killer than him. "

His eyes darken and in a second he snatches me inside the room and slams me on the wall , making me hiss in pain. He pins my hand to the wall and says in a menacing voice , " Just because I have been nice to you, doesn't mean you'll speak to me in any way you want . You better watch your fucking tongue "

" Or what " I say

I gasp as he squeezes my cheek making me wince . He tilts my head upward and then starts kissing my neck , slowly at first and then desperately . His teeth grazes my skin . My eyes close on their own and I crave it . I want an escape , I think . I want to escape from everything and maybe Liam is the one for it . I take a deep breathe as he goes lower and kisses my cleavage. I hold my breathe as he bites the flesh above my breast . He pulls the tshirt down and bites and sucks as I shudder in pleasure .

" Go and tell him no ! That you won't go with him " Liam says suddenly and moves away from me. I miss his mouth on my skin as soon as it's gone. I try to tell my conscience that he bullied me , sexually assaulted me and did all sorts of horrible things . I can't go to him but my mind simply stays blank. And for a minute even I start to wonder , what if the killer finds me and eventually kills me. Maybe I should just enjoy this while it lasts .

So with pleasure on my mind , I come up with excuses and say No to Xavier. He seems crestfallen at that but eventually agrees and tells me that if I ever need anything , I can call him anytime .

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