chapter 14

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I watch as everyone does their presentation with their partners. I glance at Liam and hope that he doesn't mess it up for me. He keeps moving the pendrive between his fingers. He had taken it from me at the last moment because he wanted to do some changes and never gave it back. There's a bad feeling in my stomach all day and I somehow think that it has something to do with Liam.

There are two more students before us and then it's mine and Liam's turn. The minutes pass away immediately and then I'm walking and standing in front of the class. Liam opens the ppt and starts his part. My heart beats loudly when my turn comes nearer. I tell myself to calm down .

When it's my turn , suprisingly everything goes smoothly. He has added a few things to my slide and made them a bit more nice. I wait for something to happen but nothing does. When it's done , I feel relief wash over me.


I wrap the scarf around my neck and hurry back home. The snow crunches beneath my shoes and suddenly I hear noises behind me . I let it go because most of the students take this path. I keep walking when suddenly the scarf is pulled from behind. The person grabs the scarf ,tangles it around my neck and pulls harder. I cough and wheeze only for it to get more tight.

Suddenly I fall on my butt and I hear the footsteps run away from me. I cough and start hastily untangling the scarf. My eyes water and I quickly throw the scarf away from me.

" What are you doing?"

I jump and look upwards to see Liam standing there. He looks at me weirdly and his gaze goes towards my neck. His eyebrows furrow and he hawls me up by my arms.

His fingers graze my neck and I watch as he frowns looking at my neck. There must be red marks on my neck already. I flinch and move away from him .

His eyes widen for a second and he quickly composes himself. He grabs my arm again and starts dragging me towards his car .

" Sit " he says and I shake my head.

" I will fucking pick your ass and make you sit then "

I frown at his words and quickly sit in the passenger seat. As soon as he starts driving , I regret getting in. I grip the armrests of the seat so hard that my hands go white. He doesn't slow down infact he glances at me, laughs and increases the speed .

" Slow down " I say

He doesn't

When he finally stops the car , I notice that we are not anywhere near my house. I don't recognise where we are and I keep glancing out to see if I know where I am.

I get out of the car when he asks me to. He starts walking and I follow him hoping that he will get me back home. But I'm wrong , very very wrong. I can't see a single person nearby , he takes so many turns that I start getting confused and mess up the directions. I frown when he leads me to a forest.

" Where are we going? Take me home !" I say

" Shutup and follow me "

" Are we heading home ? Why didn't you just drop me ?"

Before I can register what's happening he grabs my hair and slams me down on the ground. I wince as the grass and sticks prick the side of my face.

My breathing fastens when he doesn't move but continues to hover over me. I feel goosebumps rise on my arms when he whispers in my ears " I'm going to fuck you here , so hard that you will wish you were dead "

I whimper and try to push him off me when suddenly he grabs my arms, turns me on my back and pins my wrists above my head against the ground. I start screaming as loudly as I can but he only laughs .

" Do you think I'm stupid to bring you somewhere where I'll get caught? Did you see anyone while coming here? We are alone Charlotte and no one is going to help you ! Okay?"

" Listen ! It's.. it's not my fault! It wasn't my fault! I swear" I cry out. " Your ..your dad committed suicide ! Your mom told me . It's not my fault!"

His hands tighten around my wrists and fear grips my throat when his eyes go dark. I scream when he bites the skin on my neck . I thrash and scream for help hoping that by some miracle someone might be out here. Tears spill from my eyes as his hands roam along my body. They burn my skin.

I feel fear but at the same time shame.

No. Please no.

I try . I try to kick him , to free my arms and push him but he is way stronger. His body presses me down . His legs widen the gap between mine and I freeze. I stop breathing when suddenly his hands move from my chest to my jeans.

I can't breathe

My top is suddenly ripped and I feel naked . My bra covers me but it feels as if .. as if my dignity is being taken away from me. I suddenly choke and cough as bile rises in my throat. As if noticing me , he quickly releases me and I puke on the grass beside.

Deja vu

I wipe my mouth and look at him . Tears fall from my eyes but I don't bother wiping them.

" Do it ! " I say and start removing my jeans.

" If this makes you feel better , if by raping me you'll feel content with your life then fucking do it !" I scream

He doesn't say anything but I can't tell what he is thinking. I stand just in my underwear. I shiver and wait for him to come forward , I wait for him to do something but he doesn't.

I tilt my hand backwards and remove my bra , letting it fall on the ground. Shame fills my gut and I want the ground to swallow me . I close my eyes as he comes forward. I wait for his hands to push me down but instead he pulls me into his chest. I blink, stunned. I cry in his chest , I want to hit him , I want to punch him but no one has hugged me in so long. I don't know for how long I cry but suddenly he pushes me backwards making me stumble.

His eyes have gone black again and when he looks at me , I feel fear run through my pulse. I gulp and cover myself with my hands.

He laughs

The sound makes me cringe. His laugh is not real , and that makes it worse.

" You are fucking pathetic " he says and starts walking . I can't move. My legs are stuck . He doesn't glance back once to check on me . When he is out of the distance , I pick my clothes , gather them in my hand and start walking the other way. I shiver with cold but I can't bring myself to wear the clothes again.

I keep walking , even though my body goes numb, even though it starts raining , even though my eyes are blurry with tears.

I keep walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking.

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