Chapter 20

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I look back for the tenth time as I feel someone watching me. I press 911 on my phone and keep my finger on the call button just to be safe. I had moved back in my house after they all got arrested. I didn't want to bother Xavier much by staying too long. He had already done too much for me.

But I still didn't feel safe when Liam was living right in front of my house. When I finally reached, the door to my house was wide open. I hesitantly stepped inside and what I saw made my blood go cold. There was blood and too much of it.

My legs started shaking as I followed the trail of blood. I shook harder as it stopped right in front of Grandma's room. The door was shut and when I opened it , my legs gave out. I fell on my knees as I took the scene before me.

This is not happening

It's a dream

I shut my eyes and opened them but nothing changed and it dawned on me that this was real. Someone had really murdered grandma. She was gone forever. I instinctively let out a scream and my body started shaking as I sobbed. I screamed and screamed until my throat hurt.

Someone was shaking me , I didn't realize when they took me out of there. A blanket was put on me. I cried into the chest as everything around me collapsed. My legs gave out and someone held me .

" This isn't true! She is not dead " I screamed

" Shh, it's going to be okay" I heard and when I looked up I saw a glimpse of Liam's face. I wanted to push him away , wanted to scream at him that it was his fault but I didn't have any energy so I let him hold me instead. I closed my eyes and cried into his chest .

Soon , the volume of sirens surrounded me. Liam hugged me into his chest as they bought her body . My body started shaking . Everything seemed surreal.

" This is my fault " I murmured.

" No! Don't say that"

" They are going to come for me " I said and then everything went black.


When I wake up , the police officers ask me questions about the murder but I just ask if I can go and they allow me. I have booked a hotel near my house. I don't know how I'll live in a house where granny got so brutally murdered. I see it.

The blood , the bullet shot right through her forehead while she was hanged . They found me and sooner they will come for me. I start shaking as I reach my room. I cry under the blanket . The thought of them finding me is so scary that every possible scenario comes in my mind. I start remembering the past that I tried so hard to forget.

I can't live my life fearing everyone. All my life , all I have experienced is hatred and abuse. The people who love me are all gone and I cannot survive this alone.

I get up , put on my hoodie and go out. I run and run until I find the cliff. I wanted to do this for so long but now that I'm about to do this , my heart won't allow me. I can't fathom the thought about them getting to me. I can't deal with that again, I can't.

So I close my eyes and move forward ready to jump. But before I can, someone knocks the air out of me. I'm tackled and I cry out as the person pushes their weight on me.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Liam screams

I push him off me and scream back " something I should have done way earlier"

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