Chapter 26

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I don't know what time it is. All I've been doing is sleeping because there's nothing else to do. I don't know why they are keeping me like this and what they're planning to do. I desperately want to talk to Xavier and tell him the truth. But no one comes in the room too much and Xavier hasn't seen me at all. They just pass the food and go out. Always different people come to give me food . Xavier's uncle hasn't come yet for which I'm extremely glad.

I try to ignore the grumbling of my stomach. I'm famished. They only feed me once a day and the water isn't even much. I try not to drink all of it at once. When it rained once or twice , there was water leaking from the tiny holes in the wall and I had to drink the water from the wall to quench my thirst.

My stomach hurts when I try to get up. When I lift up my shirt, I see a black bruise. Horrified, I check and find some on my legs and arms as well. My hands shake when I realize that they have been drugging my food. That's why I fell asleep as soon as i have food and drink water. My insides churn as every possible scenario runs through my mind. What did they even do to me ? I think and I know the answer but I don't want to believe it.

Would Xavier let them do this? Would he go to these heights to avenge his dad ?

I wait for them to give me some food again. When the uncle enters , I glare at him. He passes me the food and then goes out. I dump the food and water in the bucket ignoring my grumbling stomach. I lie down and wait.

As expected the uncle enters the room and he looks surprised when he sees me awake.

" So , you figured it out" he says calmly

I don't say anything. I hadn't thought this through. I can't even defend myself. I don't have any power here , he has all the power in his hand. I feel extremely dumb as I stare at him . He seems to know what I'm thinking as I see a smirk on his face.

" I'm surprised you didn't find out sooner. I really thought you would find out the first time I did it."

" What did you do to me !" I scream

" Oh nothing! " He says waving his hand nonchalantly. , " I only touched , the real fun is when you are awake . To see the terror flash in your eyes , to see you cry. You are no fun unconscious"

" Why are you doing this ? Please let me go !" I say tears forming in my eyes.

" Don't cry now ! I haven't even done anything yet !" He says pretending to be sad.

" You know , I've been on the run for the past 6 years . My brother died because of you ! " He says angrily

" You both deserved it !"

My head bangs against the concrete wall as he slaps me hard. Before I know what's happening, he has me pinned underneath him and I scream when I feel excruciating pain in my lower body. I scream and cry for help when I realize what he's doing.

" Please ! Stop ! I'm sorry , please stop " I cry but he doesn't.


I see Xavier as soon as I open my eyes.

" Xavier ! Please help me ! Please get me out of here !" I cry out to him.

Before he can say anything , his uncle enters , he looks at us both for a moment and says ," you don't believe what this bitch says, do you? "

Xavier doesn't answer , so I cry out ," they..they are " but the uncle doesn't let me complete .

" You know she blamed your dad for raping her , she put a false allegation against him and because of the pressure he killed himself "

I sob and shake me head, " he is lying !" They raped me ! They raped me when I.. " I scream but Xavier gets out before he can hear me.

" Xavier ! Xavier come back ! Please !" I scream but he doesn't even glance back.

His uncle only laughs and gets out as well. I cry as my chest clenches. I feel utterly useless. It's been so many days and yet no has found me yet. Liam was upset at me , is he even searching for me ? Or is he glad that I'm gone and I think that it must be the latter.

I drink the water from the walls again when it starts raining. I regret throwing the food away. I would rather be unconscious than be conscious and face his wrath.


When he brings some food again , I don't look at him.

" It's not drugged ! You can have it , I was just playing with you to see how long it would take you to notice "

I don't say anything and he leaves before giving me a furtive glance. I eye the food suspiciously. After waiting for a few seconds , I give up and devour it. I wait for sleep to overcome me but I never fall asleep. I stay awake until the room turns dark.

The only way I can tell day and night is due to the light peeking from the gap in the walls. The other end of the room has brick walls and during the day , sunlight peeks through the tiny holes. Otherwise the room is completely dark , they didn't bother putting even a small bulb.

I try to sleep but everything flashes through my eyes as I close them. I can't help but cry at my fate. I should have jumped off that cliff , I think . I hate Liam for saving me that day. I fucking hate him , I think bitterly.

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