chapter 18

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" Why do we always have to do what you say? You're not our boss Liam " screamed Jason

" I told you not to bother her ! Why the fuck did you take us to her house?" Liam said .

" Why did you come along then? I told you we were going to take pictures ! Did you think pictures of her fucking grandma? You were there . Don't act like a fucking saint. You were enjoying it as well."

" I told you to stay away from her "

" Why? Why do you fucking care? Are you fighting with me because of that bitch ? What is wrong with you. You are fucking with our friendship because of that whore."

Before any one could move , Liam gripped Jason's throat and squeezed . The others didn't dare to get between them.

" If I see you anywhere near her , I will fucking kill you. And you better delete all her pictures" Liam threatened.

Liam snatched his phone and deleted all her pictures. He tried not to look at them, but when he did see any of them , he felt disgusted. He unknowingly opened one in which Jason had ripped her bra , her nose was bleeding and she was crying . He deleted it and after giving his phone back , he punched him in the face.

Jason groaned in pain and curses left his mouth. He was pissed at Liam for behaving like a pussy. He was taking that bitchs side .

As soon as Liam was out of their site , Jason started screaming at the others " I'm going to fuck that bitch up , I'm going to ruin her fucking life "


Liam was pissed at himself for not doing anything that night. He had simply left while the others had assaulted her. He didn't want to go against his friends but he knew what they did was wrong , what he himself did was wrong. He should have done something to stop them but he simply turned his back and left, Letting them do whatever they wanted to her.

He wanted to go to her house and explain it to her , he wanted to know if she was okay but he stopped himself. He reminded himself that he hated her and it wasn't his responsibility to see if she was okay.



I couldn't get up . I wanted to lay under the covers forever but as the day passed I slowly realized that I needed to do something. It wasn't just me who was in trouble but grandma as well. If they broke in the house to hurt me , next time they might break again to hurt her and I couldn't let that happen.

Anger surged through me as I thought about them. They had no right to break in my house and harass me like that. This had gone too far , it was trivial bullying at first but now this was getting way too serious.

I didn't know what to do though , the only person I can think of who could help me is Xavier. But I don't want to tell him what they do to me , what they did to me last night. It is too embarrassing and humiliating to tell him but I have to.

I call him and he picks up after a few rings. I tell him to come over and he agrees without question , asking me several times if I'm okay.

As soon as I open the door for him , his eyebrows furrows and then I see anger radiating from him. His fingers grazes my cheeks as he studies the red bruise .

"What happened Charlotte? Whose ass do I need to kick"

I tell him everything , I try not to cry the whole time but I can't stop the tears no matter how hard I try. He brings my medical kit and applies ointment to my wrists and cheek.

" I'm really glad you told me this ! You shouldn't stay here . It's not safe . They might come here again. "

" I can't leave granny here alone"

" Don't worry about it okay? Just pack your bags and we are leaving in a few minutes"

" What? Where ? "

" You're staying in my house with your granny "

" No! I can't do that !"

" Charlotte ! It's better that you stay in my house than here . And we are going to report this to the cops okay? There are so many bruises , they can't possibly cover it up"

" Thank you ! You don't know how much this means to me "

" You don't ever have to thank me Charlotte . Now hurry up ! I'll call someone to take your granny "


I'm sitting in the guest room of Xavier's house. He had called the cops earlier , I had to go to the station so they could take the pictures of my bruises. It was exhausting , I almost wanted to back out . Xavier already called some lawyers . He has been on the phone talking to different people for a few hours now.

He has no idea how much he is helping me.

When I told him that I can't afford to pay for the lawyers , he assured me not to worry about the money . It took a bit of convincing but somehow he managed to coax me into saying yes. I will pay him back as soon as possible.

I lie down on the fluffy bed and before I know it I'm fast asleep.


I wake up when I hear knocks on the door. For a minute , I get confused as to where I am . I open the door to Xavier.

" Listen , they couldn't find your photos on his phone! "

" What? They might have deleted them!"

" Not only that but they have fake alibis.  They said that they all were together in Liam's house and Liam's mother wasn't home so she can't confirm it "

" What now then?"

" They are going to check with the neighbors"

I almost cry when he hugs me .

" I'll do my best to make sure they are in prison okay? It's not okay what they did to you. And I believe you ! Don't worry about anything!"

I nod in his chest and mumble a thank you.

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