Chapter 27

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I hear a ruckus outside. I try to listen what's going on but I can only hear screams and moans. I jump when the door suddenly open and they bring someone in. I gasp when I recognize him. He is unconscious and two men bring him inside. They tie him to my right but keep him far away from me . They don't attach a leash to his neck but opt for some cuffs instead and tie his hands behind his back . They tie his legs as well and kick him before leaving.

After a few minutes , he stirs . He looks around the room and then his gaze falls on me .

" Hi " he mutters sheepishly

" Liam ? How did you get here?"

" I followed your boyfriend a few times and I found this place "

" Did you tell the cops? "

" I didn't get the chance , they knocked me out before I could . Look don't worry , we'll get out of here" he says

I nod gloomily.

" Do they hurt you?" He asks suddenly and I remain silent.

" I just want to get out of here Liam " I say and he nods

When I look over at him , I see that he has a knife behind his back . My eyes widen and he shushes me . He tried to open the lock and after a few unsuccessful attempts , it opens. He quickly does the same to his legs and saunters over to me .

But the metal leash around my neck is not easy to break with a knife. I end up with a few scratches on my neck but the leash does not open. He then goes for the pipes instead. He easily breaks the chains which are around the pipe. He tries to remove the leash but to no avail and we both eventually give up. I can atleast move around the room now, I think.

" What are we going to do next ? " I ask him

" We will Wait for them to open the door " he tells me

He ushers me towards the door and we both stand on either side of it. Whenever someone enters Liam will knock him down and if he doesn't , I will do so from behind. My heart thunders against my chest as I try to listen carefully for their footsteps.

We both freeze when we hear the footsteps come closer . As soon as the door opens , Liam lunges . He knocks the man down but we don't expect a whole herd of bodyguards to enter the room one by one. One of the guards , punches Liam across the face and kicks him repeatedly. Another guard holds me tightly and when the uncle enters the room , he let's me go.

The guard kicking Liam stops when the uncle clicks his tongue.

" Hold him " he says and the guard obliges.

Before I know it , I'm harshly slammed on the ground. When I try to get up , he pins me to the ground. I thrash and try to kick but to no avail. I try to kick him when he pulls down my pants . He gets tired of me and calls one of his guard inside. I look horrified at both at them , the guard pulls my arms and pins it against his legs. I scream and try to bite him.

" Shut her up" the uncle says irritatingly

The guard gags me with a cloth. I look teary eyed at Liam and see him thrashing in the guards arms. " Charlotte !" He screams . Feeling ashamed , I squeeze my eyes close and scream when I feel him enter me. I thrash but it's of no use. My eyes meet Liam's again and he too is screaming.

" Help me !" I want to tell him but I can only manage a muffled scream. His arms are outstretched towards me and I try to stretch my arms to him as well.

" Liam ! Please save me ! Please help me " I think and cry harder. I look at him pleadingly and I know he understands.

" Let her go ! You fucking bastard !" He screams

" Don't fucking touch her ! Charlotte!!"

I feel sick to my stomach. This is too much , I think. I glance at Liam for the last time before I go unconscious.


I crack my eyes open and see Liam crouching over me .

" Fuck Charlotte " he says as he pulls me in his arms.

" I will fucking kill them !" He says angrily as angry tears burst out of me .

" Shh.. it's okay " he says rubbing my back.

" They..they killed my parents " I say sobbing as I remember the night it all happened.

" What?"

" They shot them front of me " I sob and he pulls me tighter against him.

" I was thirteen years old Liam ! I was fucking thirteen when they raped me! They tied my parents and raped me in front of them, I can still here them screaming and thrashing " I cry louder

" Charlotte , you don't have to tell me" he says softly but I shake my head.

" I've kept this inside me for so long , I tried to forget it but I couldn't . I didn't let anyone touch me . I didn't let anyone come near me for months. I barely survived from that and now it's repeating all over again ."

" Shh! " He says , tears streaming down his face.

" I want to get out of here , please get me out of here " I cry

" We will ! We will get out , okay? "

My sobs don't turn down, they increase as each second passes. Liam pulls me into him , my face pressed to his chest. He rubs my back as I cry my heart out .

" It's going to be alright" he whispers.

" You should have let me died !" I say anger rising in me.

" What?"

" Why didn't you let me die ! If you did this wouldn't be happening to me"

" You are forgetting that even I'm here stuck with you "

I push him away from.

" I didn't ask you to come here ! And you're not the one getting raped here, are you? They are starving and drugging me ! " I say through gritted teeth

" Listen, I'm sorry ! I didn't mean it like that "

" What did I do to you Liam ? Do you  have any idea what condition I was in when I moved here ? You made my life hell ! You are no better than him ! I had tried to put it all behind me , to move on but you and your fucking friends ruined my life. You all sexually assaulted me ! When they broke in my house , you just stood there watching ! I had tried so hard to forget it ! I was afraid of people touching me ! I wouldn't even let my granny touch me for a few months and when I was finally able to overcome my fears you had to ruin it all. I'm not a fucking toy ! I scream

Tears run down my face as I speak. When he tries to come towards me , I push him away. I go to the very corner of the room and curl up. I face the wall and quietly sob until I fall asleep.

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