Chapter 24

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I lie in Liam's bed staring at the ceiling. It seems weird that I had sex with Liam of all the people , the guy who I hated a few days ago. I wasn't a virgin and Liam was surprised when I told him that but it didn't matter.  He went rough after knowing but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I needed this to take my mind off my past. I had tried to push it away for so many years and I had succeeded but now that this had happened, it was extremely difficult. I kept thinking about it and having panic attacks .

I don't notice Liam come out of the shower until he flops down on the bed . I had told him that this didn't mean anything and I only wanted a distraction and so did he. I watch as he faces the other side and then falls asleep. I think about what had happened earlier just a few minutes ago and I blush.

As soon as I return , Liam grabs me into his room and kisses me. I press my body against his and kiss him harder trying to forget all the unwanted thoughts and it works. He pulls back and I stare at him in annoyance .

" Are you okay with this ?" He asks and I nod . I tell him that this does not mean anything and he agrees.

I press my thighs as his lips leave a long trail of kisses along my neck. He removes my tshirt and throws it across the room. And as soon as his eyes rests on my naked breasts , he pounces . I gasp as he closes his mouth on one of my hardened nipple . I arch my back in pleasure . His other hand squeezes and massages my other breast making me moan. He suddenly picks me up and throws me on the bed .

He quickly removes my leggings and underwear . I moan as he pushes into me . " Fuck" he swears as he increases his pace , pouncing harder and harder into me. His hands play with my breasts squeezing them together and then letting them go . We both scream as we orgasm and I feel the weight of his heavy body on me . But I'm not done yet. I turn him on his back and get on top of him . I take him in and close my eyes as pleasure fills my mind .

He lowers me down , taking my nipple in his mouth as I bounce on him . We have sex for around 2-3 times until we are both exhausted.


My eyes slam open when I wake up. I'm drenched in sweat and the horrible nightmare plays in my mind. My face is wet with tears as I sit up and try to breathe. My grandma's face flashes in my mind again and again and I sob in my hand trying not to make any noise . I go in the restroom and cry my heart out. I don't want Liam to find me like this so I wash my face and go back to bed . When I lie down still shaking because of the nightmare, I feel Liam come closer and then he pulls my body into his . He puts his arms around me and holds me like that till I fall asleep.


When I wake up , the sunlight is streaming through the open windows. I roll around and find the bed empty. I try not to feel disappointed , I was just doing this for pleasure and nothing else I reminded myself.

I covered myself with the sheets when Liam came out of the shower. He had a towel wrapped around his waist. He avoided my eyes and quickly grabbed his pants and went inside again.

" I don't think we should do this again?" He said as he emerged from the restroom.

" What?"

" Sleeping with each other , I don't know what I was thinking "

" This is just some casual sex Liam , calm down. You don't have to freak out , I'm not going to fall in love with you"

His face fell as I said those words .

" Look I'm not used to just sleeping around!" He says exasperately.

" So you mean that I sleep around?"

" You are not a virgin are you? And as far as I know I haven't seen you dating anyone"

" I couldn't date around because you turned everyone against me! You humiliated me ! Who would even want to date me!" I said angrily

" Doesn't change the fact that you do sleep around!"

" And what if I do? Why do you even care?"

" I don't ! Just get out ! Go back to your fucking room " he screams

I angrily wear my clothes ,take my things and go to my room. I quickly call Xavier and tell him that I'm coming.

Once I see Xavier's car down , I quickly go downstairs. I give him a hug and climb in the passengers seat.

" You have everything?" He asks and I nod.

" Thanks for coming here! You have no idea how much you have helped me"

" Don't mention it Charlotte" he says and winks at me.

I feel a sense of calm when I enter his house .

" The servants are on leave today" he says and I furrow my brows in confusion.

" We usually give them a leave on Tuesdays and Sundays. "

" Oh that's really nice of you" I say and he blushes.

I laugh at him and he quickly goes inside the kitchen to bring something to eat. When he's back with some juice and cereal. My mouth instantly waters. We both hog some food and then as I feel drowsy after eating , I sleep in the guest room .

The room is dark when I wake up from my little nap. When my eyes adjust to the dark , I gasp and sit up when I notice someone else in the room. He stands beside my bed and I notice something glinting in his hand .

" Xavier?" I ask and he laughs.

" You were so little ! Look how much you have grown " he says and I freeze when I recognize the voice.

" Did you miss me ?" He asks and laughs again.," I surely have . I thought about you everyday you know ! I tried to find you but I couldn't and voila you were just under my fingertips. "

I scream as he lunges towards me . He puts his weight on my body and I thrash trying to get away but when I feel the sharp tip of the knife on my neck , I stop.

" Please ! Don't do this" I cry and he laughs , spit flying everywhere.

" I'm going to enjoy this so much , I have waited for so many years for this exact moment . Ofcourse I didn't expect  to find you in my nephews house but oh , even God wanted me to find you"

Before I could decipher what he said , he puts a cloth on my mouth and soon enough everything goes black.

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