Chapter 7

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I almost dance when our professor tells us that he is postponing our project dates. That means that I don't have to see Liam that much. I glance at him from the corner of my eyes , his head his down and his hoodie covers most of his face. It would be lying if I said he isn't handsome. Even though there are dark circles around his eyes , he looks hot. His cheeks and nose are a bit pink . I watch as he bites his lips , and quickly avert my eyes.

When I go to my locker , there is a big penis drawn over it. I keep my head down as people laugh and take pictures . I spot Liam standing a few steps away , he has a smirk and it wouldn't take a genius to figure out that he did it . When his friends spot what he did to my locker ,they high five him and clap him on the shoulder. My hair falls over my face and it does a good job in hiding the tears. When I open my drawer , there are dildos stuck over the door. I hear laughter all around me , I hear them take pictures , videos .

I quickly shut the door and turn around only to collide with someone and that someone turns out to be Liam and his friends. I try to go but they won't budge. I don't look at them and continue to look at the floor. I can see their shoes and I know they are all expensive while mine are some old converse from a vintage store .

" Look up " I hear Elijah say .

Elijah has never laid a hand on me, he is a little bit innocent while Jason is the complete opposite . He likes to hit me and hurt me . Noah doesn't hit me but he is a pervert , I have seen him stare at my chest several times , whenever he touches me , it feels disgusting and dirty.

I lift my head and look at them . They taller than so I have to look up , When my gaze goes to Elijah , I see him holding a phone at my face . Before I know what happening Noah slams open my locker door , snatches the dildo and comes with it to me. I see everyone looking at us . There's a crowd surrounding us and I immediately feel humiliated. I don't notice Jason coming behind me and suddenly he grabs my arms and holds them behind me . I squirm and push but his hold doesn't loosen a bit. I wasn't even healed from yesterday's hit and now there will be new scars. I feel disgusted as Noah looks at my heaving chest , he squishes my face and tries to put the dildo in my mouth .

My arms hurt as Jason puts his hands over my arms and pull them back harder . I'm stuck in this position and all I can do is move and shake my head side to side. Noah squeezes my face even more harshly and I feel as if he might break my teeth . I shut my eyes tightly as tears continuously flows down my cheeks . I shut my lips  tight and I feel him get frustated. I can feel everyone's eyes on me , I know they all have their phones out and they must all be enjoying this .

" Come on ! Suck this you slut " I hear Noah say and one by one everyone starts chanting

Suck it ! Suck it! Suck it!

Noah get's angrier and he lets go of my face only to put his hand over the hem of my shirt " Open your fucking mouth or I'll tear open your fucking shirt " . I don't get to reply as someone screams principal is coming  and everyone starts running . Noah let's go of me and and dumps the dildo in my locker and shuts it .

" Open your mouth in front of him and you'll face the consequences " Elijah wispers in my ears. Jason let's me go and then I see the principal walking towards us . I quickly wipe my face and try to appear normal but I'm shaken with what happened just minutes ago . My body shivers and I have never felt so scared . I never knew they could go to these lengths to torture me . They have never sexually assaulted me or touched me in any way . It was always a few kicks and punches . I won't be able to get this out of my head ever.

" What are you kids doing out of the class?" He asks us .

They all give some excuses and get away and then I'm the only one standing . I start to answer when a girl quickly comes besides me . She tells him that I'm not well and was just on my way to the nurse . The principal doesn't really care so he nods and goes.

The girl takes my hands and takes me to the nearest washroom. " Are you okay? You see pretty shaken up " I nod and my lips quivers when I answer " I. I need to go " . She looks confused for a minute but she sighs and put her arms around me . I stiffen and wait for her to pull away but she doesn't instead she holds me even tighter. My hands shake when I hug her back and then I start crying.

I don't know how longer we stand there but when my sobs lessens she pulls back.

" I saw what happened and that was just disgusting . I don't know how they could just .." she clenches her fist and starts doing some kind of breathing exercise.

" I'm seriously so mad , what they did to you is disgusting . We have to report it okay? They were assaulting you and there are videos so it won't be hard proving anything. We are going to go now and report that" she repeats . I don't understand what to say . I just look at her , I have never seen her before but her eyes holds concern and there is no one in my life except grandma who has looked at me like this .

I nod and she takes me to the principal , there are already videos that have been passed and when I watch them ,my eyes fill with tears

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