chapter 16

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I wake up and freeze as I feel arms around me . I look around and my eyes widen when they land on Liam. He has wrapped his arms so tightly around me that it's difficult to move. Sweat runs down my forehead and I quickly push the blanket away from me. I shut my eyes when I see that Liam is wearing nothing but sweatpants. And even I'm wearing his clothes.

I try to wiggle and get out of his grip but he only moves closer. He looks peaceful in his sleep . I move my hand closer to his face to touch his cheek and suddenly yesterday's events flash through my mind . Anger bursts through me and I angrily shove him off the bed. He lands with a thud and groans .

" What the fuck !" He screams and quickly gets up. When he spots me on the bed , he looks even more angry .

" Why the hell would you do that?"

" Why the hell would you sleep with me after what you did to me yesterday ! Don't you have any shame ? Any remorse? You almost raped me yesterday and now you're acting like a fucking saint . You even changed my clothes ! "

" Shut the fuck up Charlotte! I don't have any interest in being near you , you were dying yesterday and I only slept with you to save your life . You should be thanking me that I didn't leave you there in the forest unconscious and naked. You should be licking my shoes right now "

"It would have been better if you left me there to die " I say and rush out of his room. I quickly go downstairs and run towards my house wanting to see granny.

Her eyes are wide open and when she sees me , she smiles a little. I go and lie down besides her and hold her hand in mine. I want to tell her everything but I know it will only stress her out so I give her a wide smile and tell her some lies about going out with my friend and some stupid story about meeting a guy.

I always wonder if she can tell that I'm lying . I desperately want her to talk to me . I crave love , I don't have anyone except her and it hurts my heart that I can't even talk to her or tell her the truth. She is my best friend and she was always with me no matter what. She still is fighting to stay by my side . Even though it irks me to see her in pain, a part of me wants her to stay with me forever.


It's almost midnight when I hear my window rattle . My eyes open immediately and I quickly run and check the window but no one's there. I look down but I don't see anyone. I was pretty sure I heard someone . When I close the window , I notice that the lock is broken .

There's no way I can get it fixed . It would cost me so much . I already don't have a single penny to eat . I angrily shut the window and get back to bed . I keep shifting in my bed but whenever I fall asleep , I only see myself struggling beneath Liam. His strong body pushing mine and his hands bruising my arms . I hear myself scream and cry in my dreams . I wake up and start crying . I don't know for how long I cry but my sobs get louder and louder each time . Each image is vividly clear in my head. All my sufferings for what? I didn't even do anything to him. Everyone keeps blaming me for killing his father but he committed suicide . Why do I have to suffer ?

I don't know why but I go in the bathroom , shut the door and hold the razor in my hands. My eyes water as I rest it on my wrist. I want to sink it in my skin , I would've if not for granny. I sigh and keep it back . I suddenly feel guilty. I wanted granny to stay with me forever but I'm not willing to that for her.


My mind feels foggy when I walk to school. I didn't sleep a wink last night and I feel as if I could collapse any minute now.

My feet hurt by the time I reach . I quickly get my books from the locker and rush to class. Because of Liam , my studies is getting fucked up . I cannot afford to live in this town any longer and I really desperately want to get scholarship so I can get to a nice school but it seems impossible now. I'm really back in my studies and I almost failed in a subject.

I spot Eli in the classroom and I feel a bit happy to see her smile and wave at me. When I sit beside her , she quickly gives me a hug .

" Gosh ! I haven't seen you in so long! Are you okay? You look pale and you're warm. I think you have a fever " she says and puts her palm on my forehead.

" Okay you definitely have a fever , we need to go to a nurse ! Come on!" She says

" No! I'm fine . I took medicine before coming so it will go away in a few minutes !" I lie

" Are you sure?"

I nod and thankfully she let's it go. The day goes on quickly. Eli and I decided to study in her house . She said she could help me with a subject. I happily agreed .

Her house is huge and I feel a surge of jealousy rush over me . I feel stupid to even feel jealous of my friend but I can't help it.


It's been an hour and we did everything except study. It feels really really good to have a friend and to spend some time doing this. She drops me back home by her car and when I step in the house , the door is unlocked. I was pretty sure the door was locked before I left.

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