❤Authors Note!!!!

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Hey guys...  It's me in a different book.....

So why new one when I haven't finished the old one some of you may think......

Well some of my friends suggested to write funny stories.....  Cause they're I write too much of romantic stuff....

So for the exo-l who want funny exo imagines...  This story is for them.....

Hope you like this new me....

Support this book too and support my first book too......

Comment if you don't like anything for me too improve....

And if you're any spelling mistake it's not me my English is pretty good...  But I suck in Korean though...  Anyway those mistakes are not me but my new phone......  Damn typo.....

Anyway shout out to exo for all their hard work to keep us entertained and shout out to all exo-l who in their busy schedule give time for exo..... 

Anyway hope you like it....  And just to remind you requests are open if you have anything just toss me a message.....

Enough chit chat....



You can see some hearts in the chapters......

I just wanna point out what are those..........

💙- game time
💜- OT12.......(including ex exo.        members)
💛- OT9
💚- For a single member...
❤- Authors Note or just for fun.......
🎁- requested

Combination of this can also be found.... So look out for them and enjoy....

Thank you...........

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Exo Funnynarios (Wattys 2019) ✔Where stories live. Discover now