💛when you decided to take a week break from your that life....

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Hey guys..... It's me again.......

I hope you liked my last segment....

Now it's time for the most difficult thing for any guy to face..... We are gonna see how exo, can withstand the no that life for a week..........

Lol dry spell for them......

Here you go, enjoy......



Mind, went to blank when you said no for a week.... Can't understand what made you say that..... Almost about to cry......


Protesting like a baby...... Saying....



Counting days and hours and number of minutes and seconds about the said amount of time.... Doubting himself if he can with stand till then.......


Questioning his life choice till that moment and wondering if it something he did that made you take that decision...... Crying already.......


First says yes to test your strength in it, so the when you give in he could tease you... He ends up on his knee begging you to break off the deal of a week.... Boy he was desperate......


Don't know what to do when you said it... Trying to channel his physical energy in gym..... Bit ones you see him sweat.... Boy if anyone was in the gym that day they would have called the cops... On seeing what you two were doing.....


He was laughing and being his goofy old self.... But once you said that no stiff for a week.... Fine with the goofy chanyeol and hello park chanyeol....... His daddy mode activated....... Boy he was gonna ravish you tonight for saying such a word.....


Already against it, but sitting simply nodding...... But in his mind, he had a fool proof plan which had you begging him.... What was it..... Well I'll give you hint liquid chocolate..... So you can guess.....


Out of all the exo members he would be the really considerate about your plan..... He ends up being really angelic...... But weirdly anything he did heightens your sense and you end up pulling him on the couch and remove his clothes.... He has no clue on what was happening but enjoyed your sudden change of mind.....


I hope you liked this segment...

Request are open for all my books and check out all my other books on exo....

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Till next time, bye and love you loads.....

Do check out the video above its really funny....

Saranghae ~♥~

Exo Funnynarios (Wattys 2019) ✔Where stories live. Discover now