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Hey guys its me again....

I hope you liked my last segment...

This time we are gonna do something serious.....

Suho: is this needed....

Kai: yeah!!!! We are not that bad..

A/n: it's for your own good guys....

Kyungsoo: it's good, as long as it doesn't involve me....

A/n: (scarred) it's not for you....

Kyungsoo: good....

A/n: on with the chapter, anyway this time we are going to see intervention for our beloved exo...

Here it goes.... Enjoy......



He needed intervention for two things.... For his important job on controlling his ugly crying face.... And his spending money...

Suho: OK, thanks guys I won't spend money anymore....

Baekhyun: like hell we will let that happen, this intervention was only for your ugly crying face, forget what we said about money....

Sehun: give me your card hyung.....

Needed intervention for his stripping..... Constantly......

Kyungsoo: we don't need anymore fan girls fainting...

Needed intervention for his addiction for bubble tea and his ignorance for others....
Ended up ignoring everyone and went out of the room sipping bubble tea.....

Needed intervention for too much happiness, and laughing whenever it was serous situation too......

Ended up laughing all the time in the intervention.... Others members fed up and went home....

Still happy af......

Needed intervention for his constant trolling and challenging everyone for high pitch competition....

Ended up challenging everyone in high pitch competition, and said if he looses they can continue with the intervention and I'd he wins they get punishment....

Of course they lose and they had to walk the plank pirate style.....

Savage af......

Needed intervention for his addiction for boazi....

But seeing his cute boazi eating face... Other members kept feeding him boazi......

Cute af.......

Needed intervention for two things his addiction for eyeliners and butt slaping other members...

Ended up butt slapping everyone in the intervention and stealing eyeliners from other members dressing rooms....

Bitch af......

Needed intervention for his constant memory loss, sleeping always and always being high....

Ended up sleeping in the storage because he was high and forgot where was their studio.....

All the members waited and left after he didn't come.....

High af........

Needed intervention for his constant killing phase.... Satansoo....

Came home to see the intervention posters....

Kyungsoo: if these is for me... Then get ready to meet my new friend..... (showing a knife)

All the other members were scarred....

Suho: no it's.... It's.... For Lay!!!! LAY!!!!!

kyungsoo: fine then, let's begin...

Scary af........


Hope you guys liked it.....

Suho: is my face that ugly when I cry.....

Kai: yes, Hyung.... Yes.....

Anyway, if possible comment and vote.....

Check out my other two books on exo.......

Till next time, bye and love you loads.....

Saranghae ~♥~

Exo Funnynarios (Wattys 2019) ✔Where stories live. Discover now