💙💜Game time!!!!

90 13 18

Hey guys, it's me again.....

Guess what time it is???

Kyungsoo: you dumb author, you already said it in the title...

A/n: (crying) why do you kill me with your words.... I've done nothing but respect you in my books....

Kai: don't cry a/n-san, we love, even kyungsoo hyung does, but he has a funny way of showing it....

Sehun: here have this bubble tea... After you finish crying buy me some more....

A/n: thank you.....

So the game is what will be your exo name......... It's OT12.........


Your birthday month.....

Jan- sehun
Feb- Jongdae
March- chanyeol
April- junmeyon
May- Baekhyun
Jun- jongin
July- minseok
Aug- yixing
Sept- kyungsoo
Oct- han
Nov- kris
Dec- Tao


Now think of your birth date .....

1,11,12,21,31- kim
2,12,22- byun
3,13,23- Zhang
4,14,24- oh
5,15,25- your surname.....
6,16,26- wu
8,18,28- park
9,19,29- DO
10,20,30- lu


So, what's your......

Lol, mine is......

Huang Chanyeol

A mixture of tao and chanyeol, this proves I'm a rapper baby!!!!!

Share what you got......

Ps: those of you who don't know first the surname then the name in Asian countries....

I hope you liked this chapter....

If possible comment and vote...

Check out my other two books on exo.... I know you will like it too...

Request are open for all my books......

Kyungsoo: a/n-san , come here...

A/n: what???

Kyungsoo: *chu, I love you sorry for hurting you, I'm sorry.....

A/n: thanks Kyungie...... I love you too, but as a brother.... Elder of course.....

Kyungsoo: me too sister love....

Exo: aww, look they are not fighting anymore.....

So anyway..... My dear readers like kyungsoo I love you too, and till next time bye....

Saranghae ~♥~

And by the way no need to thank me for the picture above.... I can feel what you are feeling too......

Exo Funnynarios (Wattys 2019) ✔Where stories live. Discover now