💛The drunk you!!!!!

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Hey guys it's me again.....

Hope you liked my last chapter....

Well for today as the title can explain what it is about....

So I hope you like it and comment and vote if possible...



Well he doesn't mind the drunk you cause it was your celebration on landing In a new job, so he let's you drink and dance, but he loses his calm when he sees you dirty dancing with a stranger... He pulls you by your hand

"that's it baby girl, time to go home, if you want we can continue dancing like that when we get home... "


He is awfully silent about this, but he is pissed to see you talking to the band mates, he gets to pull your hand when you decide to strip dance for sehun....

"you like getting naked huh baby girl, let daddy help you with that"


Practically is shocked to see you kissing him in the bar... He is awfully shy with PDA, he is even more shocked when you lift up his shirt to do body shots....

"Mmm, babe... What are you doing???? " (embarrassed)


He is happy to see you happy, but once he hears the special announcement of you doing a special pole dance, he loses it...

"babe if you want to pole dance we have a special pole in our house let's use it" (smirks... )


Ends up more drunk then you and starts sexting suho, and asks him to drop you both of in your house....

" lay would you stop kissing my neck, this is suho not y/n"


Is very considerate not to drink, so that he can drive you home, when he sees the guy sitting near to you hitting on you even though you didn't like it, he gets more angry just then he is bout to do something. You punch the guy right in his face...

"yeah!!! That's right no one messes with my babe"


He is keeping an eye on everyone, so that no one hits on drunk you, as you both are with the rest of the band members, when he sees a drunk kai hitting on you major time... His satansoo mode is activated and keeps staring him and drags you with him...

"that's it young lady time for bed"

You say "with you"

He is now shy. "...."


The drunk you seem to have confused baekhyun with Chanyeol (don't know how), he is very pissed about it cause you kissed Chanyeol.... He was giving you silent treatment on the whole way to house.... He loses his silent treatment once you start undressing in front of him

"you know baby girl I think it's time for punishment for what you did at the club"


He is hiding himself when you started this riot in club by making every drunk people in the room say.......

"when I say Kim you say jongin"

You say. "kim"

People say. "jongin"

You say. "kim"

People say. "jongin"

Finally he gives up and drags you to the car with him.......

" you had lot of fun today baby girl, let me have some too"


Well that's it folks for today hope you liked it......

And comment and vote if possible.....

Love you loads and bye...........

Exo Funnynarios (Wattys 2019) ✔Where stories live. Discover now