💚 Stuck!!!!!

72 12 28

Hey guys it's me again....

Last time I did a request.....

This time is too a request

This chapter is requested by NiniSiddu ....

I hope my cute maknae like this...

And you too guys... Enjoy and I'm waiting for others to request too...

So here it goes.... Enjoy.......


Your POV.....

I saw the news that exo members were outdoors doing a live TV interview..... Kind of fun..... And I was stuck in this shop where I have to tell other customers, where was the floral dress session at..... I hate this job... But this part time job helps me pay for rent..... GOD...

Suddenly You See the camera was showing a place what looked like the place where you worked... You were excited to see which exo member was gonna come...... Just then your ass of boss pulls you back....

Boss: where the hell are you going nini????

Nini: I wanna see the exo member....

Boss: no what you wanna see is those broken lights in our shop... Go and change them and I'll see the exo member...

Nini: fine boss....

After the boss left.....

Man she is an ass..... I just wanna see the exo member... Huh!!!  Guess changing the light bulbs then............

You hear the boss talking to someone.... And you immediately understand it was exo in the shop..... You wanted to see them so badly, but you had work to do... You thought of hearing your speed and see them.....

Nini: work faster nini, work faster..... I so hope it's him.... I wanna see him.....

Suddenly you hear more number of fans screaming.... And you think to yourself....

Nini: man he must have gone deaf by this time.....

Co employee : nini, you forgot that bulb.... Go change it... It's the last one....

Nini: thank you for pointing out.... Instead of posting out you could have done it....

You were changing the bulb suddenly you hear someone running towards you... Before you could do anything... That Peron gets in the dressing room cling the door behind them.... And you are left outside... You get angry for what they did.....

Nini: hey whoever you are ask sorry..... Come out....

Suddenly the door opens and before yu u could say anything else it pulls you inside...... You are really irritated by that person's behaviour.... You turn on the light switch only to see..... 

???: I'm sorry for pushing you then pulling you....

Nini: ummmmmmm.... Kai (stunned)

Kai: so I'm guessing you're a fan....  Please don't scream.... Please  ........ (folding his hands)

Nini: I won't.... I'm not a screamer..... Can I go now....

Kai: no if you go out now people will have doubt.... Please stay here till they leave....

Nini: OK....

Exo Funnynarios (Wattys 2019) ✔Where stories live. Discover now