❤💛Mirror, Mirror on the wall!!!

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Hey guys it's me again....

I hope you liked my last segment....

This time we gonna, fine what exo are gonna ask to the magical mirror from Snow White.....

Here you go.... Enjoy.....



Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the fairest and richest of all....

Rich definitely you but fair..... Would be sehun.......

∑( ̄□ ̄;)


Walks past the mirror,......

Senpai, senpai look at me....


I'm a magical mirror....

So, can you tell me where can I get bubble tea....



Mirror, mirror on wall who is the most handsomest of all????

Definitely not you, you troll camel Dino....

What the.... By the way you are in fire...


Ha!!!! Trolled you



Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the sexiest of all....

*cue sound of mirror fainting...

Mirror..... ¯\(°_o)/¯


Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the most cutest of all....

Aww..... A little kid....

What!!!! Me a kid.... See this can a kid have this????? (showing abs)

*cue sound of mirror crashing

That's what I thought.... v_v


Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the most tallest of all......

Definitely Kris....

OK, then tallest in exo....

Still Kris.....

OK, after the contract is over...

Come back after that....



Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the most satanic of all....

Definitely Satan himself....

* cue sound of mirror being murdered

Now who is the baddest..... Of course me.....


Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the prettiest of all.....

Still luhan....

But he is not in exo anymore....

Still 2022 right.....

So, after that can I be pretty....

We'll see.....


Mirror, mirror on the wall can you tell me my address....

*cue sound of mirror during down

What it's only the 50th time I asked ........


Hope you liked this segment....

If possible comment and vote....

Check out my other two books on exo.....

Request are also open........

Till next time, bye and love you loads......

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