💚Kai texting you

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Kai: hey....

You: hi

Kai: I have a math test

You: OK, so...

Kai: I need your help

You: why should I help you...

Kai: if you help me, I'll help you relieve your stress.... IYKWIM.....

You: I have a boyfriend....

Kai: and I have a math test....

You: what does that have anything to do with me having boyfriend....

Kai: I thought we were listing things we could cheat on...


Kai: so when can I drop by your house????

You: um........

Kai: you know what I'll join you jn a minute... We can "study"


Hope you liked it....

I'm gonna be doing this text version for all members....

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Till next time bye and love you loads......

Saranghae ~♥~

Exo Funnynarios (Wattys 2019) ✔Where stories live. Discover now