💙💜Game time!!!!!

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Hey guys it's me again.....

Hope you liked my last segment...

Now it's time to relax our mind!!!

Chen : cause a/n-san is taking us on a vacation.....

A/n: no I didn't say that, I'm broke.... Ask your sugar daddy...

Chen: he is angry anyway......

Kyungsoo: this idiot here you are (dragging him out) he escaped our practice session..... You continue your work....

A/n: OK, thanks.... Anyway about the game ........

Hope you enjoy this.....

1. For your first time Would you choose a shy kyungsoo who finally looses his shyness and turns into a sexy kyungsoo ........


A cute jongin, who is complete opposite to Kai.....

2. Would you go on a cute night sky watching date with baekhyun....


A date night in which you watch night sky from a plane with suho......

3. Would you learn to rap with chanyeol, which will later become a cute snuggling....


Learn to dance from xiumin which will later become into a steamy night in bed with him....

4. Would you be OK with hearing let's breakup from sehun after 3 years of relationship


Hear baekhyun say he is gay for your ex boyfriend....

5. Would you rather marry chanyeol after 5 years of relationship.....


Marry lay within 5 weeks in relationship........

6. Would you want Chen to be love of your life....


Jongdae as love of your life.....

7. Would you rather have Kris in your life, who is going to stay with you forever but won't love you....


Have tao as love of your life who loves you very much but can't stay with you.....

8. Would you have the manly luhan....


The Hello Kitty loving luhan....


Send me your answers....

Check out my other works.... On exo....

See you next time, Hope you liked this....

Comment and vote if possible....

Request are open, even for ex members...

Bye and love you loads....

Saranghae ~♥~

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